Tema: Re: Jobsas pasibaige
Autorius: AS
Data: 2011-10-09 15:11:24
"amenox" <amenox@gmail.com> wrote in message 
> Nesutikciau, vienintelis produktas kuri Apple padare is keliu ideju tai 
> matyt vienas is pirmuju Maku su grafine aplinka ir pele.

Eksperimentiniu prototipu Xerox turejo jau 196x metais, veliau viskas buvo 
pristabdyta kaip nelabai perspektyvu tam laikui. Pasikeitus situacijai, vel 
buvo dirbama. wikipedija sako taip:
Following PARC the first GUI-centric computer operating model was the Xerox 
8010 Star Information System in 1981,[4] followed by the Apple Lisa (which 
presented the concept of menu bar as well as window controls) in 1983, the 
Apple Macintosh 128K in 1984, and the Atari ST and Commodore Amiga in 1985.

Visa kita - ipodai,
> iphonai ipadai - tiesiog marketingas su "i" raide. Na ok, Jobsas padejo 
> taskus ant i. :)

iDead :-)