Tema: Re: MS jau 80-ą levelį pasiekė :)
Autorius: Laimis
Data: 2016-04-21 00:12:16
Caponi rašė:

> Taip mirs. Tik tai įvyks gerokai vėliau, nei per porą-trejetą
> artimiausių metų. Ir Win10 dauginimasis stipriai sulėtės, nes baigsis

Aš ir neteigiau, kad po 2-3 taip ims ir numirs. Po 3 gali tikėtis 
gerokai sumenkusios rinkos dalies.

> tyčiniai ir pensininkų atsitiktiniai bakstelėjimai ant adwaro. Ir beje,
> pagal mano įdėta linką Win7 dalis per metus sumažėjuo nuo 58% iki 52%,
> kas reiškia, kad didžioji dabartinių Win10 userių dalis (14%) yra ne
> migrantai iš Win7...

Tai, kad kiek plaukioja ta statistika. Tas pats netmarketshare trend'as 
nesutinka su tuo, ką teigi:

July 2015 (win10 išleidimo data) Win7 rinkos dalis buvo ~61%, o šių metų 
kovą jau ~52%;
taigi, turime ~9% sumažėjimą ir ~14% Win10 augimą. Kaip bežiūrėčiau, tai 
didžioji dalis nesigauna...
Nors taip, į win10 traukinį dar gausiai lipa ir winxp naudotojai, ko 
nebuvo win7 išeidimo metu, nes win2k/2k3 (prior winxp) dalis buvo 
mizerna, kai vista/win8 labai panaši.

> Artimiausioje ateityje - tikriausiai taip. Bet ar tai paneigia faktą,
> kad paskutiniu metu MS elgiasi kaip paskutiniai padugnės? Ir tikriausiai

Bet kur tu įžiūri tą padugniškumą? Realiai. Gal užtenka jau gąsdintis ir 
imti rimčiau pasinagrinėti, ką ta basic (numatytoji) telemetrija renka? 
Ten nieko ypatingai user'iško ir nėra:

     Basic device info. Helps provide an understanding about the various 
types of devices in the Windows 10 ecosystem, including:

         - Device attributes, such as camera resolution and display type
         - Internet Explorer version
         - Battery attributes, such as capacity and type
         - Networking attributes, such as mobile operator network and 
IMEI number
         - Processor and memory attributes, such as number of cores, 
speed, and firmware
         - Operating system attributes, such as Windows edition and 
         - Storage attributes, such as number of drives and memory size

     Connected User Experience and Telemetry component quality metrics. 
Helps provide an understanding about how the Connected User Experience 
and Telemetry component is functioning, including uploaded events, 
dropped events, and the last upload time.

     Quality-related information. Helps Microsoft develop a basic 
understanding of how a device and its operating system are performing. 
Some examples are the amount of time a connected standby device was able 
to fullsleep, the number of crashes or hangs, and application state 
change details, such as how much processor time and memory were used, 
and the total uptime for an app.

     App compat info. Helps provide understanding about which apps are 
installed on a device and to help identify potential compatibility problems.

         General app info and app info for Internet Explorer add-ons. 
Includes a list of apps and Internet Explorer add-ons that are installed 
on a device and whether these apps will work after an upgrade. This app 
info includes the app name, publisher, version, and basic details about 
which files have been blocked from usage.

         System info. Helps provide understanding about whether a device 
meets the minimum requirements to upgrade to the next version of the 
operating system. System information includes the amount of memory, as 
well as info about the processor and BIOS.

         Accessory device info. Includes a list of accessory devices, 
such as printers or external storage devices, that are connected to 
Windows PCs and whether these devices will function after upgrading to a 
new version of the operating system.

         Driver info. Includes specific driver usage that’s meant to 
help figure out whether apps and devices will function after upgrading 
to a new version of the operating system. This info can help to 
determine blocking issues and then help Microsoft and our partners apply 
fixes and improvements.

     Store. Provides info about how the Windows Store performs, 
including app downloads, installations, and updates. It also includes 
Windows Store launches, page views, suspend and resumes, and obtaining 

Full telemetrija įjungiama tik insider programai, kas visiškai logiška 
(kai norima surinkti kuo daugiau info ir pagerinti produktą).