Tema: Re: Biblija Vaikams - Vilniuje
Autorius: smokas
Data: 2010-08-26 15:55:00
Bravo :) apie transcendentine/empirine pazinimo metodologija 
pashnekejom - toliau gal link Russelo laishko ish karto eisime, ar koki 
tarpini filosofa panagrinesime?

On 2010-08-26 14:25:36 +0300, Toxis@ze_yvil_place said:

> na vistiek neradau, kur kantas vadintu ateistus idiotais, vieninteli 
> dalyka, ka jis sake, kad neimanoma irodyti aukshciausios butybes 
> nebuvimo (kas yra ganetinai keistas posakis ish tokio zhmogaus lupu, 
> nors tai ir tiesa, bet lygiai taip pat negalima irodyti ir smurfu 
> pedofilu nebuvimo, senio shalchio nebuvimo - neimanoma irodyti 
> neiginio, yrodymai krenta ant teigianchiosios puses)
> cituoju kanta "Transcendental theology is still therefore, notwithstanding its
> objective insufficiency, of importance in a negative respect; it is
> useful as a test of the procedure of reason when engaged with pure
> ideas, no other than a transcendental standard being in this case
> admissible. For if, from a practical point of view, the hypothesis
> of a Supreme and All-sufficient Being is to maintain its validity
> without opposition, it must be of the highest importance to define
> this conception in a correct and rigorous manner--as the
> transcendental conception of a necessary being, to eliminate all
> phenomenal elements (anthropomorphism in its most extended
> signification), and at the same time to overflow all contradictory
> assertions--be they atheistic, deistic, or anthropomorphic. This is
> of course very easy; as the same arguments which demonstrated the
> inability of human reason to affirm the existence of a Supreme Being
> must be alike sufficient to prove the invalidity of its denial. For
> it is impossible to gain from the pure speculation of reason
> demonstration that there exists no Supreme Being, as the ground of
> all that exists, or that this being possesses none of those properties
> which we regard as analogical with the dynamical qualities of a
> thinking being, or that, as the anthropomorphists would have us
> believe, it is subject to all the limitations which sensibility
> imposes upon those intelligences which exist in the world of
> experience."
> toliau jis tik sako, kad ateizmas, fanatizmas, fatalizmas, 
> materialzimas ir prietarai yra zhalingi "At the same time it does not 
> deprive the speculative philosopher of
> his just title to be the sole depositor of a science which benefits
> the public without its knowledge--I mean, the Critique of Pure Reason.
> This can never become popular and, indeed, has no occasion to be so;
> for finespun arguments in favour of useful truths make just as
> little impression on the public mind as the equally subtle
> objections brought against these truths. On the other hand, since both
> inevitably force themselves on every man who rises to the height of
> speculation, it becomes the manifest duty of the schools to enter upon
> a thorough investigation of the rights of speculative reason and,
> thus, to prevent the scandal which metaphysical controversies are
> sure, sooner or later, to cause even to the masses. It is only by
> criticism that metaphysicians (and, as such, theologians too) can be
> saved from these controversies and from the consequent perversion of
> their doctrines. Criticism alone can strike a blow at the root of
> materialism, fatalism, atheism, free-thinking, fanaticism, and
> superstition, which are universally injurious--as well as of
> idealism and scepticism, which are dangerous to the schools, but can
> scarcely pass over to the public. If governments think proper to
> interfere with the affairs of the learned, it would be more consistent
> with a wise regard for the interests of science, as well as for
> those of society, to favour a criticism of this kind, by which alone
> the labours of reason can be established on a firm basis, than to
> support the ridiculous despotism of the schools, which raise a loud
> cry of danger to the public over the destruction of cobwebs, of
> which the public has never taken any notice, and the loss of which,
> therefore, it can never feel."
> kodel jis suplake free-thinkinga (beja, agnostikai irgi skaitosi 
> free-thinkeriai, taigi jis ir ant taves uzhvazhiavo), ateizma su 
> fatalizmu ir prietaringumu, tai yra klasikiniai antipodai, bet ish 
> kitos puses tai atleistina, jis gyveno ir rashe tais laikais kai 
> bazhnychia turejo labai didele itaka, tiek gaunant ishsilavinima, tiek 
> norint dirbt univere, taigi, gal but nereiktu pykt.. Anyway, dar vis 
> laukiu citatos kur kantas ateistus vadina idiotais...
> "smokas" <no@nop.nop> wrote in message news:i50fai$rn3$1@trimpas.omnitel.net...
> > Na va, atsiunchiau i tavo nekenchiama iPad'a Kanta - tiek vokishkai, 
> > tiek anglishkai:
> > puslapiai (anglishko varianto) 361(ishoriniu objektu empirinis 
> > pazinimas) ir 763 (po transcendentionio objekto pazinimo budu analizes).
> > 
> > On 2010-08-24 13:57:41 +0300, Toxis@ze_yvil_place said:
> > 
> >> tai puslapio visgi nerandame? ar tiesiog eilini karta kliedime apie beleka?
> >> 
> >