Tema: Re: Galingos kolonėlės mažame kambaryje
Autorius: CodeC
Data: 2014-11-17 22:59:37



"Even six inches of glass fibre has little effect at 100 Hz, where a 
quarter wavelength is over 2 feet (860mm), and so adding absorbent 
material has virtually no effect in the lower bass region in the 20–50 
Hz region, though it can bring about great improvement in the upper bass 
region above 100 Hz."

tu skaityk, skaityk, skaityk. galvok. ir maziau rasyk.
o kai suprasi, kad masinos gerumas matuojamas ne tuo, ka sau maksimaliai 
isgali leisti drozti tiek, kiek esi priverstas gyvenimo, o tuo, kas 
daugiau teikia malonumo, galbut sugebesi pritaikyti MB S-class vs. fiat 
multipla palyginima ir audio srityje. dabar tai esi uzsispyres bukis ir 
dar su didziuliu nepilnavertiskumo kompleksu.

On 2014.11.17 22:45, CodeC wrote:
> kas aplink parasyta paskaityt jegu neuzteko, netgi sitos pastraipos
> nesupratai, nors ir pastini cia tai, kas as jau pries 5 metus skaiciau
> ir ne viena karta.
> p.s. tavo atmintis trumpa biski. nes dar pries siek tiek daugiau nei cia
> keletas temu isrutuliota, pats kryzium gulei pries didelius subus ir
> visiems maziukus kisai, nes dideli atseit negroja. o esme ta, kad su
> prisiuta galva sunkiai galvojasi, todel suprasti kuom skiriasi 15" subas
> nuo 8" "subo" REALYBEJE ir REALIOSE salygose - nesigauna net protingu
> pastraipu paskaicius.
> On 2014.11.17 22:04, Signalizacija wrote:
>> Tai kaip ten su negrojanciu subu
>> Va radau kazkur intike netycia
>> One claim that is very popular is that you cannot reproduce bass in a
>> small space. While this is certainly true of soundwave propagation, it
>> is completely false if pressure mode is excited within the space. In
>> most rooms, there is a transition point between soundwave propagation
>> and pressure mode (sometimes referred to as 'Room Gain'). That low
>> frequencies can be reproduced in small spaces is clearly shown by
>> headphones and car subwoofer systems. Both of these rely on pressure
>> mode, and the low frequency -3dB point is defined by 'leakage' because
>> the space is not perfectly sealed. In a completely sealed environment,
>> bass reproduction is attainable right down to DC - not that this is
>> actually useful. Most subwoofers ultimately rely on pressure mode to
>> obtain the lowest frequencies in typical rooms, and it is notable that
>> vented systems in particular are unable to excite the pressure mode
>> properly in many rooms.
>> On 2014.10.30 09:14, CodeC wrote:
>>> mazam kambary subas negroja. ir jo ten nereikia.