Tema: Re: Speeding slightly
Autorius: KEdas
Data: 2012-04-14 21:30:19
2012.04.14 21:03, Doxlas rašė:
> Ar olandai sugeba numušt pėsčiąjį/dviratininką jo nesužalodami?

Tikiuosi esi girdėjęs apie technines avarijas.

>>> Kitas dalykas - ar baudžia žioplą dviratininką/pėsčiajį, kuris vistik
>>> visiškai nenumatomai vairuotojui, metėsi po šio automobilio ratais?
>> Nebaudžia jei nukenčia tik jis ir automobilis.
> Jei nustatoma kad pėsčiasis/dviratininkas pats pažeidė KET ir pvz dar
> buvo apsvaigęs nuo marihuanos ar alkoholio?

Baudžia kaip ir visur. Čia rašo plačiau: 

Išimtys yra vaikams:
„The law draws a distinction at the age of 14 years. In a collision with 
a cyclist or pedestrian aged under 14, a motorist is likely to be held 
to be responsible. However, a cyclist or pedestrian who is older than 14 
years of age is expected to know how to behave on the streets and is 
likely to be held at least partly responsible in the event of a crash. 
If they're behaving recklessly then they can instantly expect at least 
50% of the blame for any collision. An adult pedestrian dressed in black 
and crossing a road without looking can expect to be held to be liable 
for damage to a motor vehicle which hits him. That is what the law makes 

It's also important to realise that this law is only concerned with 
material damage and financial responsibilty. For example, if children 
are hit by a car in the Netherlands, the drivers insurance can never try 
to claim for compensation from the family of the victim. It could also 
help to determine who pays for repair or replacement of an adult's 
bicycle which has been run over by a truck. However, this law is not 
concerned with allocating blame, or with imprisoning bad drivers.“

> Nu narkomanus gal be reikalo paminėjai :-)

Ne be reikalo. Olandijoje narkomanų yra 2 kartus mažiau nei vidutiniškai 