Tema: Re: Rusijos juodosios lektuvu dezes
Autorius: Tomas D.
Data: 2015-12-28 05:20:12
Vienam forume buvo toks postas:
The going theory is that during the chaotic 90-s somebody made lots of money 
on these by using commercial grade parts and somehow bypassing military 
acceptance tests.
No idea if true but sounds plausible


Bet siaip man kazkodel net nekyla abejoniu, kad ta deze arba ne is to 
lektuvo, arba buvo patvarkyta dar iki atidarant oficialiai.

"ig" <stop@spam.lt> wrote in message 
> Manau daug kam (kas dar kapish po ruski) bus idomu:
> https://www.drive2.ru/b/2615302/