Tema: Re: Humaniskieji danai
Autorius: Vinetu
Data: 2011-06-03 19:47:32
niu paskutinis ir lekiu:
"Susen Von Warburg yes I am sserious. this storie is fake, it never happend 
in denmark. I even called the 2 biggest newspapers to hear if they had acces 
to any police rapports, and they havent heart anything. every time (wich 
isent very often) that puppies are killed at the border, it is frontpage 
stories all over the country."
"Susen Von Warburg
the custom is a part of the police and we have direct online acces to the 
police files, where you can se what have happend every hour of the day. and 
there is nothing there.killing animals at the border, who had passports and 
all vaccinatio..."

"Daiva D." <ddaiva@gmail.com> wrote in message 
> "Ruta" <rutapeter@online.de> wrote in message 
> news:isav73$abs$1@trimpas.omnitel.net...
>> Ne "nieko tokio", o ne "siaubas ir pasaulio pabaiga", suteikianti teisę
>> apšaukti visą tautą (šiuo atveju danus) išgamomis. Juo labiau, kad -
>> išskyrus delfio straipsnelį - tai taip ir neaišku, formalūs tie
>> kriterijai, ar ne...
> kas įdomiausia, yra danų, galvojančių, kad visa šita istorija - gryniausia 
> apgaulė.
> http://www.facebook.com/#!/permalink.php?story_fbid=188811384503071&id=100000427158177
> (nežinau ar nesiregistravusiems fb įmanoma perskaityti)