Tema: Re: CROSS: Apklausa. Diskusijos
Autorius: drucker
Data: 2017-02-27 21:32:21
arba mamos vaikeliai gauna siuntima naxuj ir pizdina patys ziureti pro 

Modestas wrote:

> 2017.02.27 21:33, ejs rašė:
>> 2017-02-27 21:05, Modestas rašė:
>>> Ir todėl apklausoje trūksta trečios alternatyvos - nuasmeninto
>>> prisijungimo su vartotojo id/slaptažodžiu.
>> o daemon'as moka taip dirbti?
>> Pvz http://dotsrc.org/usenet/ reikia galiojančio pašto adreso.
> O kur jis dėsis? http://www.oreilly.com/openbook/linag2/book/ch23.html
> The nnrp.access file Permissions
>      This field determines what permissions the matching host should be
> granted. There are two permissons you may configure: R gives read
> permissions, and P gives posting permissions.
> Username
>      This field is optional and allows you to specify a username that an
> NNTP client must log into the server before being allowed to post news
> articles. This field may be left blank. No user authentication is
> required to read articles.
> Password
>      This field is optional and is the password accompanying the
> username field. Leaving this field blank means that no password is
> required to post articles.
> Kas bus labai aršus - gauna "R" iš žiūri kaip kiti laimingi lauke
> žaidžia kamuoliu.