Tema: Re: Apie Windows 10
Autorius: zZz
Data: 2016-01-18 17:37:00
Kaip šitas?

Apply the official 1.01 Patch! It fixes some bugs with the renderer, that 
make things run unstable.

I, suprisingly, did not have to chose any compatibility-mode for the game, 
but you certainly have to run it as an admin!

Starting Options:
Okay i had to apply some things to the shortcut (if not present, make one) 
in order to make it work:

cataclysm.exe /heap 256000000 /enableSSE /triple /disableAVI /safeGL

"Bronco" <TRINTI_bronco.mail@gmail.com> wrote in message 
> On 2016-01-18 15:05, svyt wrote:
>> Sunaus need for speed 3 ir 5 versijos, mc rae rally, rally2. Tik
>>   pries savaite 4 gimtadienio proga nupirkau vaira, dabar
>>   atnaujinau windausus ir beda.
> Neseniai suėmė nostalgija ir norėjau homeworld catalysm pasileist, tai bb 
> gavos ant win10 :) Jam reik WinNT compatibility mode, o win10 jau ano 
> neturi. Bet kadangi turiu dualbootą su win7, tai bėdos neliko :)
> Todėl patvirtinu, jog su senais geimais gali būti bėdų su win10.