Tema: Re: Klausimas dėl SSD įsigyjimo
Autorius: MRT
Data: 2018-02-28 09:53:13
>> Mastyk :) .. jei bus sunku, tai +40Eur irgi sioks toks argumentas, kartais lengviau apciuopiamas :)
>>>> Sequential Write (TLC) - 300 MB/s / 500 MB/s
> Na man labiausia įdomu, kaip MX500 atrodytų situacijoje su ant jo paleistom kokiom 3-4 virtualkėm, ar pajausčiau kažką tragiško ar 
> ne:/ Galiu skirti aš tuos 40 eurų, tik va nežinau ar verta:/

Nemanau, kad skirtumas bus tarp gero ir tragisko..
kazkaip 3-4 virtualkes savaime neskamba baisiai..
Nelygu ka jos veikia, kiek ir ka drozia pasileidusios..

Samsung 860 EVO. We also have the Crucial MX500
and SanDisk Ultra 3D, which are the EVO's two closest competitors.

t.y. "artimi konkurentai", o ne "normalus" vs "prastas"

>> iliustracija:
>> https://img.purch.com/860-evo-500gb-png/o/aHR0cDovL21lZGlhLmJlc3RvZm1pY3JvLmNvbS9TLzEvNzQ2MjA5L29yaWdpbmFsLzg2MF9FVk9fNTAwR0IucG5n
> Mačiau aš tą iliustraciją. Ir ką nori pasakyti ja? Kešas baigiasi, greitis sėda. Ar nori pasakyti, kad MX500 šioje vietoje bus 
> geriau?

Noriu pasakyt, kad jame kiek kitaip..
bet 1TB Samsas irgi panasiai piesia:

Most SSDs utilize SLC Write Cache to boost write performance which is normally
a fixed SLC cache size but the MX500 uses Dynamic Write Acceleration (DWA) which
dynamically shrinks or grows the SLC cache size depending on the amount of data stored on the flash.


You will not be able to tell the difference between those products and
the 860 EVO unless you run heavy workloads frequently.
The 1TB EVO is $70 than the 1TB MX500, and there is a $35 difference between the 500GB models.
I would be less inclined to buy the 860 EVO in either capacity. The difference between these
two drives in the 256GB class is only $15, which is more reasonable.
We still wouldn't recommend it for a notebook until Samsung corrects the power consumption issues.


Its steep pricing makes it difficult to recommend (860 Evo 500GB) when the
Crucial MX500 500GB offers ***similar performance*** at a much lower price.

+ Samsuno EVO anksciau turejo ilgesne garatija nei Crucial,
dabar Skytech ir Crucial MX500 siulo su 60men garantija.