Tema: Re: nušvitimas
Autorius: Junda
Data: 2009-08-05 10:41:05
Pateikiu abiejų apibrėžimus iš Websterio, man labiau enlightenment 
tinka, dar ir su Budizmu susiję.

Main Entry:enlightenment
Pronunciation:in-*l*-t*n-m*nt, en-

1 : the act or means of enlightening : the state of being enlightened
2 capitalized   : a philosophic movement of the 18th century marked by a 
rejection of traditional social, religious, and political ideas and an 
emphasis on rationalism   used with the
3 Buddhism   : a final blessed state marked by the absence of desire or 

Main Entry:illumination
Date:14th century

1 : the action of illuminating or state of being illuminated: as  a : 
spiritual or intellectual enlightenment  b (1) : a lighting up (2) : 
decorative lighting or lighting effects  c : decoration by the art of 
2 : the luminous flux per unit area on an intercepting surface at any 
given point
3 : one of the decorative features used in the art of illuminating or in 
decorative lighting

On 2009.08.05 10:12, Rimantas Liubertas wrote:
>> Skamba kaip blogas vertinys iš anglų kalbos.  Spėju, kad anglų kalbos
>> originalas buvo "to solve the riddle and to explain (clarify) it".
>> Net galima sakyti "to shed some light on it".
> Mane tai stebina, negi niekada neteko sutikti termino „enlightenment“?
> ic
> --
> http://rimantas.com/