Tema: Re: Windows Server 2016 Essentials
Autorius: MRT
Data: 2017-02-25 01:25:07
> Kas orientuojatės MS licencijavimo pinklėse, gal žinote, kaip %subj%
> licencijuojamas kaip Hyper-V hostas? T.y. ar norint antrą jo kopiją
> paleisti virtualiai, ar bus reikalinga dar viena Essentials serverio
> licencija?

manau bus reikalinga - info bus zemiau

 > Lygtais su tokiu 2012 servu buvo galima tą pačią panaudoti ir
> vienam virtualiam serveriui. O kaip yra dabar?

su Win2012 essentialsu ar standard?

 >> Be to, servui numatytos remote desktop ir remote app rolės.

ar jis mokes?

> Essentials bus naudojamas su vienu cpu, kuris turi 4-is core'us. Ir kaip
> jį geriau pirkti? Su geležim ale OEM ar kaip?

Ziurek kainu skirtuma.. OEM su gelezim ir naudot virtualkej?

Bet OEM ~388 - https://www.senetic.lt/product/G3S-01045
Open ~563 - https://www.senetic.lt/product/G3S-01015

> Kaip aš suprantu, metam šitą daiktą kartu su geležais į krepšį ir bus
> viskas OK?
> http://www.skytech.lt/g3s01045-win-svr-essentials-2016-64bit-english-1pk-dsp-oei-dvd-12cpu-p-329678.html

Su besisukanciu ant fizinio, tai jo - bus OK.


linkai is dziungliu:


Essentials = Specialty Servers (Server License) / No CAL required



Specialty Server licensing
Specialty Servers are server-only licenses that generally do not require 
CALs. Specialty Servers require a server license for each instance of 
the server software running on a server. You can run the instance in a 
physical or virtual operating system environment. By exception, some 
products provide more specific use rights.

Examples of Specialty Server licensing include Windows Server Essentials 
and Forefront Identity Manager - Windows Live Edition.




11 psl - Specialty Servers
Server Licenses (per Instance)
Customer may use one Running Instance of server software in either a 
Physical OSE or Virtual OSE on a Licensed Server for each Server License 
it acquires

45-46 psl:

3.3 Additional Terms for Windows Server 2016 Essentials
3.3.1 Limitations on Use
1.	At any one time, Customer may use a Running Instance of the server 
software in each of the Physical OSE and in one Virtual OSE.
2.	Customer must run the server software within a domain where the 
Server’s Active Directory is configured as (i) the domain controller (a 
single server which contains all the flexible single master operations 
(FSMO) roles), (ii) the root of the domain forest, (iii) not to be a 
child domain, and (iv) to have no trust relationship with any other 
domains. If the server software is used in a Virtual OSE, the Instance 
in the Physical OSE may be used only to run hardware virtualization 
software, provide hardware virtualization services, or run software to 
manage and service Operating System Environment on the Licensed Server. 
That Instance does not need to meet the requirements in (I) through (iv) 

3.3.2 Using the Server Software
A User Account is a unique user name with its associated password 
created through the Windows Server 2016 Essentials Console. Customer may 
use up to 25 user accounts. Each user account permits a named user to 
access and use the server software on that server. It may reassign a 
user account from one user to another provided that the reassignment 
does not occur within 90 days of the last assignment.

3.3.3 Windows Server 2016 Essentials Connector
Customer may install and use the Windows Server 2016 Essentials 
Connector software on no more than 50 devices at any one time. It may 
use this software only with the server software.

3.3.4 Windows Server 2016 Active Directory Rights Management Services Access
Customer must acquire a Windows Server 2016 Active Directory Rights 
Management Services CAL for each User Account through which a user 
directly or indirectly accesses the Windows Server 2016 Active Directory 
Rights Management Services functionality.