Tema: Re: VMI ir hostingas...
Autorius: Justas.p
Data: 2010-04-24 22:04:36
Levas wrote:
> O paypal tai ir lengvai parodys savo skaiciukus? Ypac jei kortele ne Lietuviska?
> Pinigai paimti is paypal musu bankuose atrodo kaip pinigu issiemimas is savo saskaitos.

Butent - taip ir lengvai parodys. Taigi visam grazume parasyta, o tuo
labiau kad mes esam eu nariai. Uzteks VMI pateikti uzklausa, kokios
transakcijos vyko pilieciu saskaitose pagal sarasa, kurios turi
komercijos pozymiu...

Vat istrauka is user agreemento, kur aiskiai parasyta kad ir Lietuvos
atitinkamom agenturom jie pasiruose pateikti visa tavo informacija:

Specifically, you consent to and direct PayPal to do any and all of the

   1. Disclose information including, without limitation, transaction,
account information, personal details and the contents of communications
to the police, security forces, competent governmental,
intergovernmental or supranational bodies, competent agencies (other
than tax related authorities), departments or regulatory,
self-regulatory authorities or organisations (including, without
limitation, the Agencies set out in the table under the heading
"Agencies" below)
   2. Disclose information in response to requirements of civil or
criminal legal process.

  	CSSF (Luxembourg) Financial Ombudsman Service <...>
 Lithuania, <...> 	To provide them with information within their
authority (upon their request) and to respond to queries and/or
investigations instigated by users or other stakeholders in the
countries they have jurisdiction. 	

All account information