Tema: Re: ?Kas suteikt? Pranc?zijai ir JAV teis? bombarduoti koki? norsvalstyb???
Autorius: Salas
Data: 2018-04-16 12:32:24
Ar nejuokinga ?

The US resolution had proposed an independent mechanism for 
investigating the 7 April attack in the rebel-held town of Douma, where 
60 people were killed and at least 1,000 injured in what appeared to be 
a chlorine gas attack. It also called for an “attribution” clause that 
would identify the perpetrator of the attack.

Russia, meanwhile, proposed that the UN Secretary-General Antonio 
Guterres choose the investigators but that the results be reviewed by 
Russia for “acceptance” prior to making them public, according to Ms 
Haley. It also did not contain any clause to assign attribution of the 
suspected attack.

On 2018-04-16 12:04, Audrys wrote:
> https://newsone.ua/news/politics/sovbez-oon-otklonil-rezolyuciyu-rossii-o-rassledovanii-ximicheskix-atak-v-sirii.html 
> specialiai kaip tau is ukru saito.
> "gediminas"  wrote in message news:pb1og7$lu7$1@trimpas.omnitel.net...
> Koki varianta rusai siulo?
>> vetuoja ne tyrima, o amerikosu rezoliucija, kuriame dar pries tyrima 
>> suverciama kalte rusams ir patvirtinama numanoma ataka, kaip faktas.
>> Rusai gi visa laika siulo ir kitoki varianta su tyrimu.
>> "gediminas"  wrote in message news:pb1kdv$hv0$1@trimpas.omnitel.net...
>> O kodel Rusija JT vetuoja cheminiu ataku tyrima Sirijoj?
>>> o tai tipo, balsavimas JT turetu but toks, koki JAV nurodo? Tiek JAV 
>>> , tiek Rusija yra tu rezoliuciju blokavusi, tad kieno marionete ta JT?
>>> "vedarinis" <vedarai@kaip.gerai> schrieb im Newsbeitrag 
>>> news:pat9lr$anc$1@trimpas.omnitel.net...
>>>> Tam paciam straipsny parasyta, del ko JT yra tapus kacapyno
>>>> marionete, jei ka.
>>>> -- 
>>>> "Gintas" <apsaugok nuo Tomo durnumo@gmail.com> Wrote in message:
>>>>> ?Konvencij? pa?eidimas nesuteikia teis?s naudoti j?g??, ? sak? 
>>>>> pagalbos organizacijos ?Gydytojai be sien?? (MSF) teis?s klausim? 
>>>>> direktor? Francoise Saulnier.
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