Tema: Re: Rootintojams ir pan.
Autorius: vrm
Data: 2014-12-15 15:52:06
dargi kaip kad linksmai pagarsėjęs jornada bylojo (bei darė!): užsiklijuot 
telefų ir lapsų front cameras izolke nes hakeriukas pikta akim nužiūrės! :)

"Icetom" <kk@kkk.lt> wrote in message 
> http://www.tomshardware.com/news/red-october-malware-cloud-atlas,28220.html
> "The usual recommendations to keep your devices safe also apply: stay up 
> to date, don't install apps from untrusted sources, and don't root or 
> jailbreak devices to give yourself (and therefore any attacker as well) 
> full control."