Tema: Re: NT Svedijoje
Autorius: Ssang Yong
Data: 2019-06-12 20:04:16
Kad cia ne mano sritis, net nezinau kas ta "vata", tai siulau apie tai 
diskutuot su Audriu, ar kuo ten, panasu, kad abu vienas kito verti tuo 


The refugee crisis has been blamed on the civil war currently raging in 
Syria. But did you ever wonder how all these people suddenly knew Europe 
would open its gates and let them in?

The refugee crisis is not a naturally occurring phenomenon. It coincided 
with OSF donating money to the US-based Migration Policy Institute and the 
Platform for International Cooperation on Undocumented Migrants, both 
Soros-sponsored organizations. Both groups advocate the resettlement of 
third-world Muslims into Europe.

In 2015, a Sky News reporter found “Migrant Handbooks” on the Greek island 
of Lesbos. It was later revealed that the handbooks, which are written in 
Arabic, had been given to refugees before crossing the Mediterranean by a 
group called “Welcome to the EU.”

Welcome to the EU is funded by—you guessed it—the Open Society Foundations.

Soros has not only backed groups that advocate the resettlement of 
third-world migrants into Europe, he in fact is the architect of the “Merkel 

"eSSas" <trach@tibid.ax> wrote in message 
> On 12/06/2019 19:41, Ssang Yong wrote:
>> Sorosas per Merkel&co ir "pirmaja pasaulyje feministine" Svedijos valdzia 
>> mano kitaip
> Kažkaip vata pasmirdo.
> Sorošas čia kuo dėtas?
> S.
>>> nu, tai gali sau miske gyvent.
>>> ir daugiau nieko.
>>> "Dainiushas" <skirdain@gmail.com> wrote in message 
>>> news:qdq965$rp2$2@trimpas.omnitel.net...
>>>> taigi kažkokie babajai Vokietijoj berods sakė - mes čia atvažiavom ne
>>>> dirbt o gyvent.