Tema: Re: plancete iki 150
Autorius: Bronco
Data: 2017-11-03 16:03:50
Palyginti Tab S3 ir iPad PRO:


Most of your time using either of these devices will be spent ogling at 
the screen and, given that both have 9.7 diagonals, the quality of the 
panel could be a key decider.

Apple’s iPad Pro 9.7 serves up a 2048x1536 display resolution (that’s 
264ppi). Without getting deep into comparative resolutions and the 4K 
fight, suffice it to say that the iPad Pro’s display won’t disappoint on 
sharpness or detail.

True Tone tech helps, too, which sees the Pro utilising invisible 
sensors to monitor ambient light and adjust the white balance to suit; 
you can disable it if you find it annoying, but it’s a subtle way in 
which Apple delivers a more comfortable viewing experience, whatever 
lighting situation you’re in.

As for the Tab S3, its screen resolution is identical to that of the Pro 
- but it packs an OLED panel, rather than the iPad’s LCD. That means 
deep blacks, excellent contrast and a general boost in clarity. Viewing 
angles are superb on the Tab S3 and brightness is astounding, too.

Oh, and it also supports HDR, so you can stream Netflix and Amazon with 
even more realism. Bundle in AKG-tuned speakers and the S3 begins to 
seem like the complete entertainment package. You won’t notice it on 
paper, but put the two tablets in front of you and, while the Pro’s 
panel is stellar, the S3’s OLED delivers a display that’s just that much 

Winner: Samsung Galaxy Tab S3