Tema: Re: Visas darbuose, net nepastebejo...
Autorius: karolis
Data: 2012-03-30 16:59:57
prasau paaiskinti, nes nelabai suprantu, kur ka JAMAM JEI GULI? kur cia 
Lietuviska kultura? tikiuosi ne tame zodyje JAMAM :)) is flikerio negali 
JAMTI o is newsgroupo gali? kuo skirsis autorines teises?

aciu uz demesi bei sugaista laika
pagarbiai, geros dienos

"Arunasst" <a@a.com> wrote in message 
>  bet vistik, ka nors apie flikeri papasakosi ar
>> tiesiog pats sugalvojai tuos autorystes saugojimus?
> Pilnai tave suprantu, nes Lietuviska kultura tokia, jamam jei guli. Na o 
> uz Lietuvos rybu, pravaziavus lenkija kultura jau kardinaliai skyriasi ir 
> jei kam rupi tavo nuotraukos, tai dazniausiai atsiklausia ar galima jas 
> naudoti kokiam nors projekte ar panasiai. Autirines teises placiau 
> aprasomos flicjeri, pasieskok jei idomu.
> Va kad ir toks pvz...
> From:
> Tricia O'Connor
> No real name given
> Subject:
> Image Permission Requests - Longleat House, Parkland & Safari
>  Dear Andrew
> I work for Applaud Entertainment - a company providing interactive 
> slideshows for elderly care homes in the Bath, Bristol and South Glos area 
> (United Kingdom).
> There is currently a show being made on "All Creatures Great and Small" 
> and we would be grateful to be able to use some of the images that can be 
> found on your flickr account relating to to Longleat’s Country House, 
> landscaped parkland and Safari Park - The addresses of the images are 
> below as follows:
> www.flickr.com/photos/joshke/6580663367/in/photostream, 
> www.flickr.com/photos/joshke/6580624679/in/photostream, 
> www.flickr.com/photos/joshke/6580617207/in/photostream, 
> www.flickr.com/photos/joshke/6580603443/in/photostream,
> www.flickr.com/photos/joshke/6580607805/in/photostream, 
> www.flickr.com/photos/joshke/6580598391/in/photostream,
> www.flickr.com/photos/joshke/6580563271/in/photostream
> I look forward to hearing from you at your earliest possible convenience 
> and if there are any other photos that you think would be appropriate and 
> are willing to give us permission to use, please let me know.
> Thank you & Kind regards
> Patricia O'Connor (Show Creator)