Tema: Re: Daba patarkit dėl stacionaro :D
Autorius: MRT
Data: 2018-09-14 14:06:48
>> The listings, which are not yet confirmed, indicate that stock of the
>> first two mainstream eight-core chips and the six-core i5 will be available on September 14, 2018 – just over a week away.
>> Rytoj? :D
> Viskas, suspendinam klausimą, reik palaukt pakol tie pasirodys, maž ryzeną reiks padėt šalin kuriam laikui %)

Siandien? :D .. kiek ten pas juos valandu :D..
Beje - kadangi jie veiks su egzistuojanciom matkem, tai:

3.10 - 2018/7/25 - Supports the upcoming 8C processors.

Version 0802 - 2018/06/29 - BIOS 0802 - 2.Supports Intel next gen processor.

Version 7B24v13 - Release Date 2018-07-26 - Support the latest 9th generation CPU

F10 - 2018/08/20 - Optimized for Intel 9000 CPU
F4 --  2018/07/20 - Improve CPU compatibility
F3 --  2018/06/22 - Update CPU microcode