Tema: Re: proto neber...
Autorius: Signalizacija
Data: 2016-12-29 21:08:53
Kaip čia pasakius.
On August 8, 1945, after weeks of deflecting Japan’s requests to mediate 
a surrender to the United States and its allies, Soviet Foreign Minister 
Molotov presented Japanese Ambassador Sato with a declaration of war, 
thereby breaching the Neutrality Pact that remained in force between the 
two countries.
kacapai vienašališkai nutraukė nepuolimo sutarti, pasirašyta dar 1939 
rugsėjį, ir atrišusį stalinui rankas pult Lenkiją

On 2016.12.29 18:20, tomasz wrote:
> dar siek tiek....
> http://historynewsnetwork.org/article/22336
> nelabai kas butu like is japonijos, jei ne javainiai....