Tema: Re: proto neber...
Autorius: tomasz
Data: 2016-12-29 12:11:57
Before World War II, Guam and three other territories - American Samoa, 
Hawaii, and the Philippines - were the only American jurisdictions in the 
Pacific Ocean. On December 7, 1941, hours after the attack on Pearl Harbor, 
Guam was captured by the Japanese, and was occupied for thirty months. 
During the occupation, Guamanians were subjected to forced labor, 
beheadings, rape, and torture.[6][7][8] Guam endured hostilities when 
American forces recaptured the island on July 21, 1944; Liberation Day 
commemorates the victory.[9] Since the 1960s, the economy is supported by 
two industries: tourism and the United States Armed Forces.[10]

Politically, the Marshall Islands is a presidential republic in free 
association with the United States, with the US providing defense, 
subsidies, and access to U.S. based agencies such as the FCC and the USPS. 
With few natural resources, the islands' wealth is based on a service 
economy, as well as some fishing and agriculture; aid from the United States 
represents a large percentage of the islands' gross domestic product. The 
country uses the United States dollar as its currency.

tradiciskai, eilinis vatos kliedesys

"ded" <Š´ŠµŠ´@ŠŗŠ°Ń?ŠµŠ»ŠøѸ.Ń?Ń"> wrote in message 
>> kalba buvo kodel ruskis gavo zemes, o visi kiti ne...
>> bazes eina kita eilute.
> marshall islands, guam