Tema: Re: Del 65' Samsungo TV pirkimo tinkamo laiko
Autorius: Rauberis
Data: 2016-03-28 17:56:32
Labas, MRT

Pasedejau dar kelis vakarus prie apzvalgu ir daug kur parasyta, kad JS9502 
net nuo JS9002 skiriasi kaip diena ir naktis, tai nebeziuriu ir JS8502. 
Pagrindinis ir didziausias skirtumas, tai pasvietimo technologija, todel 
9502 ir storesnis uz kitus panasius modelius. 9502 turi backlight, o 9002 - 
edge lit. Didelis "+" JS9502, kad ekranas nors ir lenktas atspindi zymiai 
maziau pasalines sviesos lyginant su kitu kompaniju lenktais modeliais.

(SJ9000 is for people who dont really care about great black levels while 
watching it a dark room. The JS9500 is for those who do care and yes the 
JS9500 is true step up from JS9000, there is a night and day difference. The 
9500 displays more details, because of the full array behind the panel. its 
also 30-35% brighter as well.
If we're talking black levels and if you're going to watch a movie in a dark 
room at night you are more than likely to see flashlights on the js9000 due 
to backlight bleed which affects nearly all edge lit hdtvs, some having 
worse backlight bleed than others but its nearly there on all edge lit tvs)

"MRT"  wrote in message news:nd688o$2rl$1@trimpas.omnitel.net...

> Nebelauksiu dar metu be TV, dar ant idomumo pasiklausiau LG OLED TV 
> 65EC970V
> kainos, dar negavau atsakymo, bet si kart pataupysim, o po 3-4, kai 
> atsiras
> masiniai naujos technologijos modeliai, tada koki 78' i svetaine, o 65' i
> miegamaji 3D pornuchai ziuret:)

7-a klase atmetam (2000Eur - JU7502), lieka 8-9 trys modeliai:
2378Eur - UE65JS8502
2890Eur - UE65JS9002 << +512Eur
3500Eur - UE65JS9502 << dar +610Eur

Truputi tingiu ju review skaityt, tuo labiau man sitas kainu segmentas turi 
konflikta su pajamom, tai:

Prisegu paveiksliuka.. neCurvintas gal ir 8502 sueinantis?