Tema: Re: Offtopic - kaip pasiekti Omnitel grupsų adminą ?
Autorius: accu
Data: 2017-02-07 21:15:05
On 2017.02.07 19:16, Zanas wrote:
> prisisnekejai, uzdarau shita serva.

Matomai Sigitas apleido šitą reikalą, tai Zenonas emėsi iniciatyvos…

I would like to inform you of smth you may not be aware of far away in 
Sweden or Finland. Several midlevel managers run a network news(NNTP) 
server at news.omnitel.net for many years now. It's not listed as public 
Omnitel service. It became a place where several hundreds active members 
indulge in daily unmoderated discussions full of misogynist, racist, 
sexist, antisemitic topics. The server was used to launch an all out 
sexist attack on a lithuanian dating site and caused a havoc. It is also 
used by russian based operatives as a broadcast platform for their anti 
lithuanian ideas and attitudes.

I do understand the sensitivity of this kind of information to the 
company's public image, thus I address this mail to you first. I urge 
you to stop this misery. Shut it down. Pull the switch now.

Thank you in advance.

/br Zenonas Katz