Tema: Re: Religingas arklys
Autorius: nelygis
Data: 2009-08-25 16:47:22

"Vai" <na@na.lt> wrote in message news:h70id0$m2o$1@trimpas.omnitel.net...
> Once a man bought a horse. You had to say ?hallelujah? to make it go and 
> ?amen? to make it stop.
> The man was riding his horse one day but then he realized he was riding to 
> an edge of a cliff.
> He was so scared he forgot how to make the horse stop. He thought this was 
> the end of his life and he started praying, ending the prayer by saying 
> ?amen?.
> The horse suddenly stopped at the edge of the cliff. ‘hallelujah’ said the 
> man with a sigh of relief and off went the horse?