Tema: shiek tiek ish MLiA*
Autorius: Toxis@ze_yvil_place
Data: 2009-08-17 13:05:32
*My Life is Average ;)

Today I was outside with my dog when he began to bark. Within a few moments, 3 other dogs from surrounding yards joined in. I wanted to be in the loop so I decided to bark too. All the dogs stopped, and my dog walked away. I apologized for embarresing him in front of his friends. MLIA 
Today, I was singing in the shower, my dad knocked on the door and requested a song. MLIA
Today at work we got a new vacuum cleaner. It straps onto your back and has a hand-held nozzle with which to vacuum. I am officially a Ghostbuster. MLIA 
Today on the train the guy across from me had his fly undone. His Superman boxers were very much on display. When I got up for my stop I said 'Seeya, Superman'. I've never seen someone look more confused, but I know he'll figure it out later. MLIA. 
Today, I hid in my closet for half an hour to avoid doing chores. When I finally came out and walked out to the kitchen my mom asked me how my trip to Narnia was. MLIA. 
Today, my boyfriend asked me what I was thinking. I told him I was considering healthcare plans. In reality, I was wondering what it would be like to be an octopus. It would be awesome. MLIA. 
Today I turned 11. I did not receive a letter from Hogwarts. MLIA 
Today, no one wished me a happy birthday. I wasn't suprised, today isn't my birthday. MLIA. 
Today, my teacher saw me texting under the desk and grabbed my phone. She didnt grab my penis. MLIA. 
Today I installed a program and it asked if I had read and agreed to the terms and conditions. I hadn't, but I clicked 'yes' anyway. The program didn't know I lied, and began to install. MLIA. 
