Tema: Re: iDisplay 2 ir wcg monitoriai [400 KB]
Autorius: Zyza
Data: 2009-01-27 19:07:46
Man kazkaip panasu is ju visu kalbu, kad jie labai deda i kelnes :) Kaip jie ir patys pripazino, kad kai kuriuos wcg monitorius sukalibruoja kreivai, bet kas man istrigo tai "kartais". Kitaip tariant, jie tik dziaugias, kad nera nepasitenkinimo bangos is nusipirkusiu (bet galbut ir su kreivai sukalibruotais monitoriais sedinciu) useriu. 

Jei turi galimybe, as rimtai siulyciau pasiskolint is kur nors kalibratoriu, kuris pritakytas wcg monitoriams ir palygint rezultatus.

"Icetom" <kkk@kk.com> wrote in message news:glnedp$am4$1@trimpas.omnitel.net...
> Gavau papildomos informacijos is X-rite:
> Dear Tomas,
> A new comment has been added to your case regarding the X-Rite product: 
> i1Display 2.
> First, you can use Monitor Validator to make sure that the values you are 
> measuring are coming close to the expected values from your profile. You may 
> also want to profile another monitor with your i1Display 2 and compare the 
> results for a visual reference.
> You can also display the two attached files on your monitor to evaluate the 
> ability of your profile to reproduce a full color range and smooth, even 
> grayscales. Real World Color Management by Fraser, Murphy and Bunting has 
> some excellent information on using these files for monitor evaluation.
> Pabaigai, noriu pagirti X-rite uz greitus atsakymus.  Tai daug ka pasako... 