Tema: Re: Analoginis garsas
Autorius: Zhiniukas
Data: 2018-03-14 08:10:30
Nu pagerejimas bus tame, kad potencas lengviau sukiojasi, reiskia maziau 
drebejimo garso reguliavimo metu, reiskias maziau iskraipymu, kol garsas 
reguliuojamas. :))
O kitu atveju paskutinis sakinys viska paaiskina: jokio skirtumo nebus nei 
garso kokybeje nei kainoje. :)

"Dainiushas" <skirdain@gmail.com> wrote in message 
> cia toks lengvas
> Our ever popular volume pot, SWITCH-211, has gone through a redesign
> The aluminium shaft has been replaced with a Military Grade 'PEEK' plastic 
> version, improving its performance and sound quality. The part number for 
> the new item is SWITCH-211-V2, and you'll be pleased to hear that all 
> measurements remain the same, as does the price.
> http://audionote.co.uk/news/news_home_01.shtml
> 2018.03.13 12:43, CodeC rase:
>> ok
>> On 2018.03.13 12:29, eMJei wrote:
>>> no reply .
>>> 2018-03-13 11:57, CodeC rase:
>>>> gerai ligoniuk. ziurek, gydykis.