Tema: Re: Reikia patarimo dėl pirkimo ebay
Autorius: MR
Data: 2015-09-29 15:42:34
Tai va tas ir įdomiausia, kad pardavėjo tracking info nurodytas teisingas siuntimo adresas! O nukeliavo neaišku kur. Taigi pardavėjas kaip ir nekaltas, bet kodėl aš turiu nukentėti?

O ebay resolution centras siunčia standartinius atsakymus, aš ne jų paklausiau, ar jie gyvi žmonės, ar poorly programmed artificial intelligence:)

Va tokius:

Hello Mindaugas,

Thank you for writing back to eBay Customer Service in relation to the item 231645671780. I understand that you would like further explanation about the case decision. Please let me assist you with this. 

Mindaugas, you have displayed a great deal of patience throughout this ordeal, and I wish more members were as patient and reasonable like yourself, so thank you. By making the effort to contact us to resolve this issue has also been noted, and taken into consideration as well. Lastly, I just want you to know that I have noticed that you have taken all the appropriate measures in trying to resolve this matter.

I understand it can be really frustrating if items are not received and as a trusted eBay buyer, I can assure you we do not take these matters lightly. I have thoroughly reviewed all of the details of your case again today but please understand that we cannot overturn our decision.

I've re-checked the tracking information and I can confirm that a delivery was attempted to your location. Since they were unable to deliver the item to you, the item was returned to sender. Please understand we can only close Item not Received cases in your favour if the seller didn't actually send the item, or if the seller's tracking does not show delivery to your location.

This must be a difficult time for you, but I would like to bring to your attention that in all cases, we must investigate and analyse every case that we handle. We base our decisions on the information provided to us by both buyer and seller, this is in order to make an accurate decision. I know you can understand as well that this decision is not a reflection of your value as an eBay customer. But these are policies that benefits and protects both buyers and sellers, allowing us to help provide the best and fairest decision possible, as we are a mediator between the two.

How can you avoid this situation in the future?

·Always make sure that you provide sellers with your most up to date delivery address when paying for the item and that it is easily found by couriers.

·If you know you're not going to be home during the day or delivery men have trouble finding your address - is there another address you can use to send parcels to - perhaps your office?

·Remember if an item can't be delivered to your address, it may be sent to your local sorting office. If you don't collect from the sorting office, the parcel will be "returned to sender"

Talk to your local postman and come to an agreement about what happens to your parcels if you are not home (leave at sorting office, with a neighbour).

I trust I have explained clearly why we made this decision. Wish you all the best on eBay in the future.

Kind regards,

Charity P.

eBay Customer Service

"ejs" <ejs@no.where> wrote in message news:mue0eq$hdd$1@trimpas.omnitel.net...

> Parodai eBay išrašą su nurodytu pristatymo adresu Vilniuje ir paklausi 
> kodėl pardavėjas išsiuntė į Aua.

> 2015-09-29 15:02, MR rašė:
>> Žinau, kad būsiu apdrabstytas purvais, bet gal ir kokią protingą
>> mintį kas nors pakiš :)
>> Žodžiu, situacija tokia: nuperkamas ebay.co.uk daiktas už 150 svarų.
>> Iškart apmokama Paypal. Pardavėjas daiktą išsiunčia su tracking
>> number į Vilnių, Lietuvą. Po 10 dienų daikto negauta. Tracking info
>> ebay puslapyje rodo daikto vietą: Neuenstein-Aua, Litauen. Tada dar
>> po kelių dienų tracking info rašo: nepristatyta, nerastas gavėjas.
>> Dar po kelių dienų: delivered, Neuss, Germany. Visa tai įvyko prieš 3
>> savaites. Nei pinigų, nei daikto. Ebay resolution centras parašo:
>> pardavėjas pateikė čekį, kad daiktas išsiųstas, pinigų negrąžinsime,
>> case closed. Pardavėjas sako, aš išsiunčiau, case closed.
> Parodai eBay išrašą su nurodytu pristatymo adresu Vilniuje ir paklausi 
> kodėl pardavėjas išsiuntė į Aua.
>> Ką daryti? Susitaikyti su +200 eurų praradimu ir niekad nepirkti
>> ebay? Blyn, siuntimas kainavo 25 eurus!
> -- 
> ejs