Tema: Re: Babes Dig BlackBerry and iPhone, Not Android
Autorius: Toxis
Data: 2011-02-24 17:07:16
oi, kaip ash norechiau, kad tai butu tiesa - zhinant, kad anroidas jau 
lenkia tiek Blackbery tiek iphonus, gautusi, kad pasaulis pilnas gyku.. bet 
deja taip nera:)
del ko mergaitems patinka iphonai ir blackberiai - todel, kad vienas yra 
fashion staitmentas, kito turejimas 'rodo', kad esi turtingas corporate 

"Sauliusv" <vsaulius@mail.lt> wrote in message 
> Beautiful ladies love Apple's iPhone. And devices featuring Google's 
> Android operating system are reserved for geeks.
> That's according to Frank Meehan, founder and CEO of global handset 
> manufacturer INQ, a subsidiary of Hong Kong-based Hutchison Whampoa.
> "If you go to a nightclub in any city in the world, the pretty girl has an 
> iPhone or a BlackBerry," Meehan told Mashable at Mobile World Congress in 
> Barcelona, Spain. "She doesn't have an Android phone.  She has no 
> emotional attachment to an Android phone. It's too complicated. It's a 
> geek device. It's all wrong."
> That statement is a bit ironic because London-based INQ recently released 
> the Cloud Q and Cloud Touch handsets, which both run on Google's Android 
> operating system and are designed for Facebook fanatics.
> Despite releasing the new Android handsets, Meehan doesn't appear to be 
> enamored with Google's platform.
> "Android manufacturers are all just focused utterly on the tech, because 
> they're all hardware guys," he told Mashable. "They don't get software. 
> They've tried to outdo Apple with hardware, but the problem is the 
> customer doesn't care."