Tema: Re: Dear Microsoft user
Autorius: netavoreikalas
Data: 2009-10-29 10:35:54
pries kelias dienas gavau, yra net foto, jei kas norit susipazint galiu 
foto imest:
My dear,

Kaip tu ten? Tikiuosi, kad darai gerai?

Mano vardas Eunice (24 metai), I am single, kruša, Gambija, tik vaikas 
vėlai Engr. Bernard Bakary Sonko. apie Bajam Įmonės direktorius 
(Building Construction Company Gambija), taip pat apie Bernard Importas 
ir eksportas (Gambija) generalinis direktorius.

Kaip iš tikrųjų mano mama mirė, kai man buvo vos 4 metai pagal savo 
vėlai tėvas ir meilės tipo jis mano motina privertė jį pasilikti 
um-žmona, kol jis paliko vaiduoklis klausimu.
Taigi, po mano tėvo mirties nuodus rezultatas, jo brolis (mano dėdė), 
kuris yra pirkimo ir pardavimo pardavimo vadybininkas Mano pabaigoje 
tėvams bendrovę, pavadintą "(Ponas James Tokunbo Oriade Sonko) norėjo 
pakeisti visas savybes ir ištekliai Mano vėlai tėvas jam į kurį aš 
supriešinti su juo ir jis padarė jį nustatyti savo pyktį ant manęs, kad 
nuomos Assassins mane užmušti, bet Dievas šlovės Man pavyko darant taip, 
kad Senegale my dear gyvenimo dalimi.

Aš norėčiau daugiau sužinoti apie jus. Jūsų mėgsta ir nemėgsta, savo 
pomėgius ir tai, ką jūs darote dabar, tada aš jums pasakysiu daugiau 
apie save mano Kitas paštas.

Prikabinti Čia yra mano nuotrauką, Have a nice day.

Laukia, kol aš su jumis greitu.



My Dear,

How do you do over there? I hope you are doing well?

My name is  Eunice (24 years), i am single, hail from Gambia, the only 
child of late Engr. Bernard Bakary Sonko. the Director of Bajam 
Enterprise (Building Construction Company in The Gambia) also the CEO of 
Bernard Import and Export (GAMBIA).

As a matter of fact my mother died when i was barely 4 years old 
according to my late father and the type of love he had for my mother 
made him to remain um-married till he left the ghost.
So after the death of my father as a result of poison, his brother (My 
Uncle) who is the purchasing and marketing sale manager of my late 
fathers company named (Mr. James Tokunbo Oriade Sonko) wanted to convert 
all the properties and resources of my late father into his which i 
quarreled with him and it made him to lay his anger on me to the extent 
of hiring an assassins to kill me but to God be the glory i succeeded by 
making a way to Senegal for my dear life.

I will like to know more about you. Your likes and dislikes, your 
hobbies and what you are doing presently, then I will tell you more 
about myself in my next mail.

Attached here is my picture, have a nice day.

I awaits to hearing from you soonest.


Vaikentis wrote:
> Dear Microsoft User,
> This Email is to notify you that you have emerged a winner
> of the sum of $550,000.00 USD (Five Hundred & Fifty Thousand
> United State Dollars) in the Microsoft yearly giveaway.
> We do this every year to encourage prospective
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> Kindly send your Full Names--, Telephone and Location--
> to our Fund Release Officer for claims.
> Šypsena Jaustukas Šypsena Jaustukas Šypsena Jaustukas
> isradingi, siandien gavau!