Tema: Re: Motorola Moto X Play - pirmieji ispudziai
Autorius: Bronco
Data: 2015-10-12 01:47:09
On 2015-10-12 00:25, Caponi wrote:
> ale dialeri po poros val maigymo pakeiciau i True Phone -
> https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.hb.dialer.free

Ką aš žinau...

Email hamsters@hamsterbeat.com
Russia, 143906, Balashikha, mkr. Yantarniy, Koltsevaya str., 3k.1-72, 

Kažkaip patikėti visą esminę info kažkokiam neaiškiam developeriui iš 
Rusijos glubinkos, tai kažkaip nelabai jauku :) Bet jei tokie dalykai 
dzin, tai tada taip, neblogai dialeris atrodo, tikrai gražiau už 
lolipopinį. Nors aš asmeniškai linkęs susitaikyti su stokiniu androido, 
vis gi, tai toks gana "jautrus" komponentas privatumo ir saugumo prasme...

Version 1.4.2-2 can access:
In-app purchases


     find accounts on the device
     read your own contact card
     modify your own contact card


     find accounts on the device
     read your contacts
     modify your contacts


     read call log
     write call log
     reroute outgoing calls
     directly call phone numbers
     read phone status and identity
     make/receive SIP calls
     directly call any phone numbers
     modify phone status

Photos / Media / Files

     modify or delete the contents of your USB storage
     read the contents of your USB storage


     modify or delete the contents of your USB storage
     read the contents of your USB storage

Device ID & call information

     read phone status and identity


     read sync settings
     prevent device from sleeping
     full network access
     view network connections
     control vibration
     change your audio settings
     pair with Bluetooth devices
     make/receive SIP calls
     install shortcuts