Tema: Re: Naujoji Ubisoft DRM apsauga reikalaus interneto rysio
Autorius: Zyza
Data: 2010-02-27 01:11:27

"ZeaLot" <mr.rieper@gmail.com.NOSPAM> wrote in message news:hm47o6$6up$1@trimpas.omnitel.net...
> gan teisingai pasakyta:
> I have to agree with the people who think strategies like this will 
> accelerate the piracy of the title as opposed to reducing it. It just 
> doesn't make sense to penalize honest, buying customers in this way.
> If you're disconnected, no biggie: Ubisoft said the game will simply pause 
> until you get back online.
> No biggie? NO BIGGIE???? "the game will simply pause"...as in "the game 
> becomes unplayable" unless it detects a connection to the Internet? That's 
> enough of a restriction for me to eliminate their titles from my purchases 
> so long as they do this. Sure, I've got Internet and am always on--but 
> that's hardly the point. If the Internet should falter or go down for some 
> reason I'd hate to think I shelled out money for a game that just won't 
> function in that event.
> These guys are smoking crack, no doubt about it. They need to get it through 
> their thick heads that their buying customers are their friends and not 
> their enemies. Any company that deliberately alienates the people who would 
> ordinarily *buy* its software deserves whatever fate befalls it, imo. 