Tema: Re: Canon vs Nikon
Autorius: Kaksht
Data: 2012-04-20 18:06:21
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ir keletas IMO teisingu nuomoniu:
"Cameras that score 4303492049 times worse than either of these two are more than capable of producing amazingly beautiful results. 

This shit is pointless. Kind of like benchmarking computer RAM tRAS, tRCD, tRP, tRC latency specs against each other in SuperPi or something. You get huge differences in results that are not even barely noticeable in actual real-world use. 

Light, and optics are so much more important than this."


"Canon has made an excellent camera for most prosumers, while nikon made a camera for landscape and studio photographers. Its a good thing Nikon made such improvements in their sensor, but when the camera can't support stuff like high ISO without noise and a faster fps, its just a big drawback after drawback for a really good sensor (if you need fps and high iso noise performance that is). Also the file size is stupidly high (as expected), and thus would make it even less accessible to the general market seeing you not only have to buy a new camera, but most likely new memory cards to support more images"