Tema: Re: Intel CPU kainu tiuningas akcijoms?
Autorius: MRT
Data: 2018-09-21 16:06:15
> https://www.tomshardware.co.uk/14nm-processor-intel-shortage-9000-series,news-59112.html

Thx, .. dabar del sito:

>> PS. i*-9***K speja, kad 2018.10.01 - ten kur apie 2018.09.14 neatspejo :D..

In addition, the latest news said that the Z390 chipset and motherboard will be 
officially released on October 8, and the Core 9000 series processors are expected to debut.




However, while Z390 and the 9th generation might be launching in October, 
according to another rumor, the 9900k specifically will not be seen until 2019. 

= matyt lauksim artimiausiu Velyku :)