Tema: Re: LENOVO IdeaTab Yoga 2 - kur?
Autorius: eSSas
Data: 2015-11-25 16:13:02
"MRT" <martynas@fastlink.lt> wrote:
> > Reikia nebrangaus, bet padoraus tableto su klaviatura - laptopo analogo. Kokie kiti variantai - negi tik obolis?
> Skytech'e - 342Eur, Topocentre su -20% - 287,20 Eur
> https://www.topocentras.lt/plansetinis-su-windows-akcija/plansetinis-kompiuteris-lenovo-ideatab-miix-3-1030-balck-10-1-klav.html
> http://www.skytech.lt/80hv001dnx-ideatab-miix-31030-black-101-fhd-1920x1080-ips-multitouch-intel-atom--p-247555.html
> http://www.notebookcheck.net/fileadmin/Notebooks/Lenovo/Miix_3_10/Lenovo_Miix_3_10_25_von_34.jpg
> http://www.notebookcheck.net/Lenovo-Miix-3-10-Convertible-Review.137112.0.html
> A special feature of its keyboard dock is the full-sized USB 3.0 interface. 
> Gaidziu klase, taciau bonusai - 64GB SSD, FHD ekranas, normalaus dydzio USB'as..

MIIX'e kamera "rear facing" - wtf? Tipo skype'intis nepavyks, ar kaip cia?
