Tema: Re: Pirkejas ish uzsienio ???
Autorius: NJ
Data: 2011-04-07 08:24:35
Situ duomenu jis niekur nepanaudos ir pinigu is tavo saskaitos tikrai 
negales nuimti zinodamas saskaitos numeri ir varda pavarde. Gali jam 
nusiusti su prierasu kad pasikrovimo adresa pranesi kai matysi pinigus savo 
saskaitoje. Greiaciausiai kad tu pinigu ten niekad nepamatysi o jis atsius 
padirbta skanuota pavedimo kopija bet tada jam vel parasysi kad duosi adresa 
ir atiduosi pacia masina tik po to kai matysi pinigus. Manau kad tuo viskas 
ir pasibaigs.

"Energizer" <velniop@peklon.com> wrote in message 
> po keliu laisku gavau toki atsakyma. Ar rizikuosiu pateikdamas savo 
> duomenis ?
> Hello ,
> Thanks for your response. So i will be paying directly into your Bank
> account without any delay. Get back to me with the details below :
> Account Holder Name:
> Account Number:
> Bank Name:
> Swift Code:
> Once i receive the details i will go ahead with the payment through
> Bank and then i will contact my shipping company after you get the
> payment. I will need your home address for the Car to be Picked Up by
> the Shipping Company.. With the issue of my details,transferring the
> name of ownership and signing of all paperwork will be done by the
> pick up agent so you don't have to worry about that.