Tema: Re: bethesda taking mojang to court over scrolls
Autorius: Exo
Data: 2011-09-29 16:50:23
Nu as tai sakyciau, eiliniam zaidejui/pirkejui, tai kaip tik panasumu kils daug ir neveltui Bethesdai neramu...


"Dedmytas" <Dedmytas@gmail.com> wrote in message news:j61qug$ku6$1@trimpas.omnitel.net...
> http://www.gameinformer.com/b/news/archive/2011/09/27/bethesda-officially-taking-mojang-to-court-over-scrolls.aspx
> Mojang is known mostly for its PC hit Minecraft, but it is more than capable 
> of making other games. Its current non-Minecraft project is called Scrolls, 
> a name that Elder Scrolls publisher Bethesda is not happy with. We've known 
> for some time that there has been turmoil over the name, but Markus Persson, 
> the man in charge over at Mojang, announced on his twitter account today 
> that the case will officially be making its way to court.
> In an interview with Gamasutra, Mojang business developer Daniel Kaplan 
> elaborated on Persson's tweet. Apparently Bethesda has been building a case 
> by pointing out online commenters that are referencing the two different 
> games towards one another. Kaplan doesn't seem too worried about the whole 
> fiasco, even laughing at Bethesda's claims that Scrolls is stealing from 
> Elder Scrolls because both games feature mountains.
> Kaplan said that Mojang will change the name if it comes to that, but he is 
> hoping the courts will find it all as absurd as he does.
> __
> tl;dr bethesda debilai 