Tema: bethesda taking mojang to court over scrolls
Autorius: Dedmytas
Data: 2011-09-29 16:13:52

Mojang is known mostly for its PC hit Minecraft, but it is more than capable 
of making other games. Its current non-Minecraft project is called Scrolls, 
a name that Elder Scrolls publisher Bethesda is not happy with. We've known 
for some time that there has been turmoil over the name, but Markus Persson, 
the man in charge over at Mojang, announced on his twitter account today 
that the case will officially be making its way to court.

In an interview with Gamasutra, Mojang business developer Daniel Kaplan 
elaborated on Persson's tweet. Apparently Bethesda has been building a case 
by pointing out online commenters that are referencing the two different 
games towards one another. Kaplan doesn't seem too worried about the whole 
fiasco, even laughing at Bethesda's claims that Scrolls is stealing from 
Elder Scrolls because both games feature mountains.

Kaplan said that Mojang will change the name if it comes to that, but he is 
hoping the courts will find it all as absurd as he does.


tl;dr bethesda debilai