Tema: Re: PS3 40GB-> Plyta
Autorius: RolF2
Data: 2011-09-17 12:53:48
nesupratau ko tu neturi , bet as tai noriu pasakyt kad nebutinai is zaidimo 
kompakto updeitinasi ps3 , galima nusikraut is sony puslapio updeita ir 
imetus ji i paprasta usb fliaske updeitint be jokiu kompaktu .

"xkuza" <xkuza@nismo.lt> wrote in message 
> Tai, kad neturiu flash draivo mandro :].. Katra reik pirkt?
> On 9/16/2011 3:49 PM, RolF2 wrote:
>> kas draudzia updaitint per usb flaske ?
>> kitas draivas neveiks isvis :)
>> "xkuza" <xkuza@nismo.lt> wrote in message
>> news:j4sp0r$ug9$1@trimpas.omnitel.net...
>>> Po suformatuoto hardo leido i recovery moda uzeit, per update firmware
>>> opcija galejau is naujo rasyt, bet problema islieka, ir ant 71%
>>> stringa. Draivas mano ner geras, neskaito kompaktu, maz pasiskolinus
>>> draiva pavyktu priverst upgreidintis firmwara?
>>> On 9/11/2011 3:03 PM, RolF2 wrote:
>>>> pofik kad suformatavai ta harda , i recoveri jei neieina tai gal bandyt
>>>> su usb raktu i service mode ieit , 3.55 dar tai leidzia .
>>>> "xkuza" <xkuza@nismo.lt> wrote in message
>>>> news:j4g5gt$eiu$1@trimpas.omnitel.net...
>>>>> Ko daryt nereikejo, tai hardo formatuot :D. well, po fakto. Gal kita
>>>>> hdd ps3 nusipirkt? koki sena, tik is playstuchos isimta.
>>>>> On 9/10/2011 5:28 PM, xkuza wrote:
>>>>>> Parsisiunciau 3.55 FW, patikrinau MD5 sumas, atitiko, imeciau i USB
>>>>>> rakta, paleidau normaliai updeita is USB rakto, nukopijavo i harda,
>>>>>> viskas grazu, ties 70% ismeta errora 8002F14E, kas reiskia system
>>>>>> pyzdec.
>>>>>> I system recovery moda neisijungia. Istraukiau harda, suformatavau 
>>>>>> ant
>>>>>> kompo. Dabar visai juodas ekranas, lyg hardo nebutu viduje (su 
>>>>>> salyga,
>>>>>> kad fw isimete i hdd is flasho, sakiau ji panaikinsiu is ten).
>>>>>> mokejau 60 euru uz ji, i siuksliu deze vpadlu ismest butu :]
>>>>>> Kokie galimi problemos sprendimai? Ebay->ant daliu?
>>>>> May be a little late here for some people. But someone after me, could
>>>>> benefit from this information!
>>>>> A corrupt NAND PS3 is not the same as a locked in update loop of your
>>>>> PS3. If you see colored dots or other artifacting of icons or
>>>>> Xrossbar, followed by freezing w/o a YLOD, it does mean your PS3 has
>>>>> overheated though. Proof will be when you attempt to go into Recovery
>>>>> Console and run an update or restore fails there as well. Most likely
>>>>> from from over heating or a failed, corrupt or disrupted update, etc.
>>>>> Re-applying heat sink compound could fix this before it does YLOD on
>>>>> you though!
>>>>> Error 8002F14E Problems:
>>>>> If you on the other hand, it's simply locked in an update loop, your
>>>>> PS3 can be saved. Sometimes w/ as little as checking all connections
>>>>> and cables or re-seating your hard drive.
>>>>> Warning!!!
>>>>> Whatever you do don't format the hard drive you used in the Update
>>>>> Flashing of your PS3 if it's looping. If you do, it could keep it from
>>>>> ever finishing that update. This is why Sony wants you to send in your
>>>>> hard drive with your PS3 for repairs. In case it's related to this
>>>>> update process. But the actual flashing of PS3's Nand doesn't complete
>>>>> until it reaches 100% and reboots, FYI.
>>>>> What's happening is that the PS3 is running in Nand flash mode. The
>>>>> Nand (one adjacent to Super Companion/south bridge) has NOT been
>>>>> flashed until this phase is complete. Your PS3 is checking your entire
>>>>> system hardware for faults. If it finds one, then you'll get that
>>>>> 8002F14E code (or similar) and it won't complete until you fix the
>>>>> hardware problem it found. Depending on where in this process it
>>>>> stalls (in the loop % of completion), can indicate where the possible
>>>>> failure is.
>>>>> Generally if it stalls in the 60-70 range, this indicates a problem
>>>>> with the BluRay (even a dirty lens or bad diode) player in some way.
>>>>> It can be the disc insertion sensor, the main ribbon cable or simply a
>>>>> loose connection. But until you fix it, it will continue to loop in
>>>>> update mode. If it's in 40% range of completion, it can be anything
>>>>> from a bad or loose hdmi connection to fan malfunction, possibly the
>>>>> hard drive (try re-seating harddrive), Power supply (voltage variance
>>>>> or loose connections), WiFi board, USB connector problems, etc!
>>>>> (for this reason, if somebody wants to sell you a PS3 that is locked
>>>>> in the loop, make absolutely sure that hard drive is included. If not,
>>>>> you will be buying a brick)
>>>>> If you are out of warranty, then you must decide to on if you are
>>>>> going to open your PS3 up or not. Consider if you are any good at this
>>>>> sort of stuff or not. The PS3 is not hard to tear apart, but you must
>>>>> map things out to know where everything goes back. Inventory your PS3
>>>>> condition before the update in your mind. Did you have any problems
>>>>> with over heating and shutdowns. Was your PS3 reading all disc types?
>>>>> Any problems accepting discs or ejecting discs? .....and for sure, if
>>>>> you are having ANY hardware issues, then DON'T RUN or give
>>>>> permission/accept the Update until you have these issues resolved!
>>>>> If you decide to pull your PS3 apart. Do it with care, keeping track
>>>>> of all the screws and where they go. Use a heat gun and razor to
>>>>> carefully remove the warranty sticker, so you can replace it after
>>>>> repairs are done. Make sure you know how to remove and re-insert
>>>>> ribbon cables properly. The BD player needs care in removal. Such as
>>>>> if your model has the tiny fine wires running from the control board
>>>>> to the sensor located on top front. BE EXTRA CAREFUL OF THESE WIRES
>>>>> AND PLUG. DO NOT simply pull the plug from it's socket by the wires.
>>>>> Use finger nails or tweezers to carefully jockey this connection from
>>>>> it's socket.
>>>>> The BD lens can be cleaned w/o separating the black housing parts. By
>>>>> simply removing the metal case cover, followed by pulling the white
>>>>> magnetic part in the center over the disc rotating motor on top of the
>>>>> black top half. Under toward the back is the laser. Use cotton
>>>>> que-tips and alcohol. Gently first wipe the lens in a circular motion
>>>>> one direction, then the other. Now you would use a dry Que-tip to dry
>>>>> it off with using same technique. USE LIGHT PRESSURE ONLY!
>>>>> If you decide to pull the whole assembly apart to either clean or
>>>>> replace the diode/lens assembly, then make sure to take note of how
>>>>> things are when you pull it apart and watch some videos on YouTube
>>>>> before trying this. You don't put it back together properly, it may
>>>>> take the disc, but not spin properly and not eject the disc after
>>>>> getting a fail to read it. This can be prevented by observing how you
>>>>> replace the black top assembly. Just prior to setting it down (w/ BD
>>>>> player disc opening facing you), tilt the back of the part toward you,
>>>>> so that the white loose gear part slides down toward the front. You
>>>>> will know it's right by looking at the top, where you'll see two small
>>>>> observation ports (holes). One small w/ one larger one just above it.
>>>>> If you see solid white through these holes, then it's wrong. There is
>>>>> only one white part on the reverse side that is loose. If it didn't
>>>>> slide down on the tilt, then slide it down before replacing it!
>>>>> That's about it for now. Remember to be patience and use care in this
>>>>> process before you panic! ....and you just may have your PS3 running
>>>>> again!
>>>>> NOTE: If you have problems afterward getting the PS3 to recognize the
>>>>> BD player or read discs, take a look at this thread and my comment;
>>>>> "PS3 Disc not spinning." by Dougie085