Tema: Re: Wii problemele
Autorius: Toxis@ze_yval_place
Data: 2011-04-05 16:17:08
Ok, I finnaly got into the game!!!

I figured it out, it seems that the wiimote loses connection to the console 
for a couple seconds while it transitions to game mode. This causes the 
wiimote to disconnect. I figured a hack around this is as soon as you press 
"start game" with the wiimote you press the sync button on the bottom of the 
wiimote. This fools the wiimote into going into scan mode while the game 
boots. You then press the sync button on the console a couple seconds later 
after the game has loaded. It works like a charm even though its a pain in 
the ass.

I'm sure this is fixable by the firmware updates, just needs some sort of 
wait built in but until I get internet access for my wii I'll be using this 
hack method, hopefully this helps others with the same problem.