Tema: Re: Pandorum (2009)
Autorius: Juozas
Data: 2010-05-10 17:39:35
Na azartas pagavo ir išsiaiškinau iki galo, imdb pasikapščiau, neklydau 
pasirodo :)


Visiems žmonėms buvo suleistas tas akselatorius, kai žmogus miega tam 
kosminiam miege, tuomet jis kaip ir neaktyvus. Todėl ir kariškiai buvo 
pažadinami tik ribotam periodui, kad per daug neprisitaikytų prie laivo 
aplinkos, būtent laivo, bet ne tos naujos planetos. O kai kurie atsikėlė 
ir pradėjo gyvenimą tame laive bei pradėjo mutuoti, kad prisitaikytų 
prie laivo aplinkos ir per daug metų tapo tokie.

Angliškas ilgas paaiškinimas:
The part about someone suffering from Pandorum and launching pods into 
space was from an incident prior to the launch of Elysium. It was just a 
way to explain to the viewer what the Pandorum illness is. Gallo didn't 
do that when he succumbed to Pandorum. He killed the rest of his flight 
crew and woke up random passengers to start playing king of the world 
with. When he'd gotten older and bored, he put himself back to sleep -- 
in Lt. Payton's pod, kind of like resetting himself and becoming someone 
else when he awoke.

The mutants were the result of what Gallo had done. Bower mentioned this 
being his second rotation (2 year shifts for six different crews means 
each crew sleeps eight years and works for two, then goes back to sleep 
for eight, etc). This meant that Gallo's breakdown happened pretty early 
on in the journey (between 10 and 12 years in).

That's important because Nadia?, the geneticist who's helping Bower, 
explains that an 'accelerator' was added to every person's blood (and 
which can be passed down to offspring) to expedite genetic adaptation to 
their new environment upon awakening on Tanis. After a few generations, 
humans would be completely assimilated with their new environment, 
genetically. When in hypersleep, the accelerator is as dormant as 
everything else, but awake, it activates, which is probably why the 
flight crew only stays awake for 2-year stints, to keep them from 
mutating to adapt to the ship's environment instead of the new planet of 

What happened is the people who Gallo woke up to play his games with 
stayed awake and lived on the ship, even after he put himself back to 
sleep. They lived, reproduced, grew old, and died, producing 2nd 
generations, 3rd generations, and so on, all of whom carried the genetic 
tendency for accelerated adaptation to their environment, and each 
generation inheriting whatever mutations occurred in the previous one. 
Unfortunately for them, the environment they adapted to wasn't Tanis but 
the SHIP. Minimal light and all artificial (explaining things like lack 
of skin pigmentation and the structure of their eyes), limited food 
supply (whatever had been taken on board for the flight crew, each 
other, bugs that escaped the ecology lab, moss and fungus growing on the 
ship, etc), and as the years and decades and then centuries went by, 
with one generation after another being born on the ship, the people 
mutated and became the creatures they were in the film (after a period 
that is revealed to be over 900 years).


On 2010.05.10 15:50, Faktas wrote:
> nu ok.
> a beje, visgi jei sugalvojo kad laive reik zombiu, tai silpnas variantas su tais enzimais -
> nu kam juos reik is anksto suleist i krauja nezinant kaip ten mutuos,
> kai galima ideti tuos vaistus i laiva ir surasyti instrukcijas, kad suleisti reikia
> pagyvenus planetoj ir pamacius, jog per letai adaptuojasi.
> tai dabar tarkim islipo visi 1200 i planeta, ir tipo ok, ir kur garantija, kad
> jie lygiai tokie pat zombiai nepasidarys po 1000metu gyvenimo tenai?
> "Juozas"<no@email.com>  wrote in message news:hs8n5m$sh6$1@trimpas.omnitel.net...
>> Jau gan senai žiūrėjau, bet kiek pamenu, tai supratau taip, kad tas su
>> barzda yra tiesiog pasenęs ir prasidėjo šizofrenijos ir pradėjo matyt
>> save jaunesnį. T.y. jis buvo anksčiau atsibudęs, pridarė kažką negerai
>> ir vėl užmigdė save.
>> On 2010.05.10 08:18, Faktas wrote:
>>> a, tai iš tikro tas antras prikeltas (su barzda),
>>> ir buvo tas vienas is triju visus iszudes?
>>> tas jaunuolis, su kuriuo kovojo, kad issiustu katapulta,
>>> tai tik jo samoneje?
>>> "Velokoraptus"<eskimai@afrikoi.lt>   wrote in message news:hs40n9$o7i$1@trimpas.omnitel.net...
>>>> On 05/08/2010 01:46 PM, Faktas wrote:
>>>>> nu o kas ten per nesąmonė, kai susiliejo du kūnai į vieną?
>>>> filme "laiko policininkas" su klodu, tokie fenomenai buvo aiskinami
>>>> taip: "adna i taze materija, nemozet byt v adnom i tomze meste" :D
>>>> jei rimtai tai ten lyg ir asmenybes susidvejimo vizualizacija tokia jei
>>>> neklystu.