Tema: Re: camry hybrid
Autorius: mano
Data: 2012-03-20 22:37:43
A complete charge takes about 1.5 hours on 240V power

nezinau kiek su 1.5 kw
bet jai per pusantros valandos pilnai pasikrauna ir vaizuoja iki 40 myliu

Exactly how much will vary depending on the vehicle and electricity rates. 
On average, it will be less than $1 to charge a plug-in hybrid and $2-$4 for 
an all-electric car. Your overall energy bill will be lowered by driving 
with electricity. EVs are so efficient that the cost per mile driven is 
significantly less than with a gasoline-powered car. For instance, a 2002 
Toyota RAV4 will travel 100 miles on 4 gallons of gasoline. At $2.50/gallon, 
this is $10.00. A 2002 Toyota RAV4-EV will travel 100 miles on 30 kWh of 
electricity. At 10 cents per kWh, this is $3.00.

"Dainiushas"  wrote in message news:jkaopj$hud$1@trimpas.omnitel.net...

ir kiek nuvažiuoja su 1.5kWh?

> sakyciau kad krenta , realiai pigiau nei ant bendzo vazinet isheina ,
> vakare gryzti , garaze krauni . yra www gali pasiskaitinet kiek kainuoja
> pakrauti , gal 1.5kw per 3 valpasikrauna
> o kw kainuoja kapeikas.