Tema: Q: dar ir CUPS problemos
Autorius: Ingodas Vytrastas
Data: 2009-03-16 16:48:53
Antras klausimas šiandien, neduodantis ramiai miegoti:

CUPS serveris -> Dlink'o DP-300U "black box" -> LaserJet ant LPT1
	|				|
         +-> HP plioteris per tinklą	+-> Epson1520 ant LPT2
					+-> Epson2400	ant USB

tai va šitas Epson2400 ir neveikia.
Prijungus tiesiai prie CUPS dėžės per /dev/usb/lp0 - irgi neveikia.
PPD failą išteryniau ir padariau naują - nepadėjo.
Ant Epson1520 testinį lapą atspausdina gerai, Ghostscript'o ir 
'rastertoepson' problemas ko gero galima atmesti.

Visi kiti printeriai spausdina tvarkingai.

Kur dar ieškoti sliekų?

PS: "blogas" spausdinimas:

Print-Job ipp://localhost:631/printers/Epson2400
add_job: requesting-user-name="root"
Adding default job-sheets values "none,none"...
[Job 35842] Adding start banner page "none".
Discarding unused job-created event...
[Job 35842] Adding end banner page "none".
[Job 35842] File of type application/postscript queued by "root".
[Job 35842] hold_until=0
Discarding unused printer-state-changed event...
[Job 35842] job-sheets=none,none
[Job 35842] banner_page = 0
[Job 35842] argv[0]="Epson2400"
[Job 35842] argv[1]="35842"
[Job 35842] argv[2]="root"
[Job 35842] argv[3]="Test Page"
[Job 35842] argv[4]="1"
[Job 35842] argv[5]="job-uuid=urn:uuid:2208b32b-149d-3ac7-79bc-4c9b11bfd3fa"
[Job 35842] argv[6]="/var/spool/cups/d35842-001"
[Job 35842] envp[0]="CUPS_CACHEDIR=/var/cache/cups"
[Job 35842] envp[1]="CUPS_DATADIR=/usr/share/cups"
[Job 35842] envp[2]="CUPS_DOCROOT=/usr/share/cups/doc-root"
[Job 35842] envp[3]="CUPS_FONTPATH=/usr/share/cups/fonts"
[Job 35842] envp[4]="CUPS_REQUESTROOT=/var/spool/cups"
[Job 35842] envp[5]="CUPS_SERVERBIN=/usr/lib/cups"
[Job 35842] envp[6]="CUPS_SERVERROOT=/etc/cups"
[Job 35842] envp[7]="CUPS_STATEDIR=/var/run/cups"
[Job 35842] 
[Job 35842] envp[9]="SERVER_ADMIN=root@mail.arches.lt"
[Job 35842] envp[10]="SOFTWARE=CUPS/1.3.8"
[Job 35842] envp[11]="TMPDIR=/var/spool/cups/tmp"
[Job 35842] envp[12]="TZ=Europe/Vilnius"
[Job 35842] envp[13]="USER=root"
[Job 35842] envp[14]="CUPS_SERVER=/var/run/cups/cups.sock"
[Job 35842] envp[15]="CUPS_ENCRYPTION=IfRequested"
[Job 35842] envp[16]="IPP_PORT=631"
[Job 35842] envp[17]="CHARSET=utf-8"
[Job 35842] envp[18]="LANG=en_US.UTF8"
[Job 35842] envp[19]="PPD=/etc/cups/ppd/Epson2400.ppd"
[Job 35842] envp[20]="RIP_MAX_CACHE=8m"
[Job 35842] envp[21]="CONTENT_TYPE=application/postscript"
[Job 35842] envp[22]="DEVICE_URI=lpd://"
[Job 35842] envp[23]="PRINTER=Epson2400"
[Job 35842] envp[24]="FINAL_CONTENT_TYPE=printer/Epson2400"
[Job 35842] Started filter /usr/lib/cups/filter/pstops (PID 18503)
[Job 35842] Started filter /usr/lib/cups/filter/pstoraster (PID 18504)
[Job 35842] Started filter /usr/lib/cups/filter/rastertoepson (PID 18505)
[Job 35842] Started backend /usr/lib/cups/backend/lpd (PID 18506)
Discarding unused job-state-changed event...
cupsdProcessIPPRequest: 12 status_code=0 (successful-ok)
[CGI] lang="en_US.UTF8", locale="/en_US"...
[Job 35842] Page = 595x842; 9,40 to 586,816
[Job 35842] slow_collate=0, slow_duplex=0, slow_order=0
[CGI] lang="en_US.UTF8", locale="/en_US"...
[CGI] lang="en_US.UTF8", locale="/en_US"...
PID 18502 (/usr/lib/cups/cgi-bin/printers.cgi) exited with no errors.
PID 18503 (/usr/lib/cups/filter/pstops) exited with no errors.
cupsdCloseClient: 12
[Job 35842] Before copy_comments - %!PS-Adobe-3.0
[Job 35842] %!PS-Adobe-3.0
[Job 35842] %%BoundingBox: 0 0 612 792
[Job 35842] %%Pages: 1
[Job 35842] %%LanguageLevel: 1
[Job 35842] %%DocumentData: Clean7Bit
[Job 35842] %%DocumentSuppliedResources: procset testprint/1.3
[Job 35842] %%DocumentNeededResources: font Helvetica Helvetica-Bold 
[Job 35842] %%Creator: Michael Sweet, Apple Inc.
[Job 35842] %%CreationDate: D:20070606214000+0500
[Job 35842] %%Title: Test Page
[Job 35842] cups_print_chunked - flip = 0, height = 3884
PID 18504 (/usr/lib/cups/filter/pstoraster) exited with no errors.
PID 18505 (/usr/lib/cups/filter/rastertoepson) exited with no errors.
[Job 35842] Connected to (IPv4) (local port 1023)
[Job 35842] lpd_command 02 usb
[Job 35842] Sending command string (5 bytes)...
Discarding unused printer-state-changed event...
[Job 35842] Reading command status...
[Job 35842] lpd_command returning 0
[Job 35842] Control file is:
[Job 35842] Hmail.arches.lt
[Job 35842] Proot
[Job 35842] JTest Page
[Job 35842] ldfA506mail.arches.lt
[Job 35842] UdfA506mail.arches.lt
[Job 35842] NTest Page
[Job 35842] lpd_command 02 88 cfA506mail.arches.lt
[Job 35842] Sending command string (25 bytes)...
[Job 35842] Reading command status...
[Job 35842] lpd_command returning 0
Discarding unused printer-state-changed event...
[Job 35842] lpd_command 03 44 dfA506mail.arches.lt
[Job 35842] Sending command string (25 bytes)...
Discarding unused printer-state-changed event...
[Job 35842] Reading command status...
[Job 35842] lpd_command returning 0
Discarding unused printer-state-changed event...
Discarding unused printer-state-changed event...
PID 18506 (/usr/lib/cups/backend/lpd) exited with no errors.
[Job 35842] File 0 is complete.
[Job 35842] Completed successfully.

ir "geras spausdinimas:

Print-Job ipp://localhost:631/printers/laserjet4
add_job: requesting-user-name="root"
Adding default job-sheets values "none,none"...
[Job 35877] Adding start banner page "none".
Discarding unused job-created event...
[Job 35877] Adding end banner page "none".
[Job 35877] File of type application/postscript queued by "root".
[Job 35877] hold_until=0
Discarding unused printer-state-changed event...
[Job 35877] job-sheets=none,none
[Job 35877] banner_page = 0
[Job 35877] argv[0]="laserjet4"
[Job 35877] argv[1]="35877"
[Job 35877] argv[2]="root"
[Job 35877] argv[3]="Test Page"
[Job 35877] argv[4]="1"
[Job 35877] argv[5]="job-uuid=urn:uuid:936b8991-e265-3a46-5db0-dc3103143d60"
[Job 35877] argv[6]="/var/spool/cups/d35877-001"
[Job 35877] envp[0]="CUPS_CACHEDIR=/var/cache/cups"
[Job 35877] envp[1]="CUPS_DATADIR=/usr/share/cups"
[Job 35877] envp[2]="CUPS_DOCROOT=/usr/share/cups/doc-root"
[Job 35877] envp[3]="CUPS_FONTPATH=/usr/share/cups/fonts"
[Job 35877] envp[4]="CUPS_REQUESTROOT=/var/spool/cups"
[Job 35877] envp[5]="CUPS_SERVERBIN=/usr/lib/cups"
[Job 35877] envp[6]="CUPS_SERVERROOT=/etc/cups"
[Job 35877] envp[7]="CUPS_STATEDIR=/var/run/cups"
[Job 35877] 
[Job 35877] envp[9]="SERVER_ADMIN=root@mail.arches.lt"
[Job 35877] envp[10]="SOFTWARE=CUPS/1.3.8"
[Job 35877] envp[11]="TMPDIR=/var/spool/cups/tmp"
[Job 35877] envp[12]="TZ=Europe/Vilnius"
[Job 35877] envp[13]="USER=root"
[Job 35877] envp[14]="CUPS_SERVER=/var/run/cups/cups.sock"
[Job 35877] envp[15]="CUPS_ENCRYPTION=IfRequested"
[Job 35877] envp[16]="IPP_PORT=631"
[Job 35877] envp[17]="CHARSET=utf-8"
[Job 35877] envp[18]="LANG=en_US.UTF8"
[Job 35877] envp[19]="PPD=/etc/cups/ppd/laserjet4.ppd"
[Job 35877] envp[20]="RIP_MAX_CACHE=8m"
[Job 35877] envp[21]="CONTENT_TYPE=application/postscript"
[Job 35877] envp[22]="DEVICE_URI=lpd://"
[Job 35877] envp[23]="PRINTER=laserjet4"
[Job 35877] envp[24]="FINAL_CONTENT_TYPE=printer/laserjet4"
[Job 35877] Started filter /usr/lib/cups/filter/pstops (PID 20863)
[Job 35877] Started filter /usr/lib/cups/filter/pstoraster (PID 20864)
[Job 35877] Started filter /usr/lib/cups/filter/rastertohp (PID 20865)
[Job 35877] Started backend /usr/lib/cups/backend/lpd (PID 20866)
Discarding unused job-state-changed event...
cupsdProcessIPPRequest: 11 status_code=0 (successful-ok)
[CGI] lang="en_US.UTF8", locale="/en_US"...
PID 20860 (/usr/lib/cups/cgi-bin/printers.cgi) exited with no errors.
PID 20863 (/usr/lib/cups/filter/pstops) exited with no errors.
[Job 35877] Page = 595x842; 18,36 to 577,806
[Job 35877] slow_collate=0, slow_duplex=0, slow_order=0
[Job 35877] Before copy_comments - %!PS-Adobe-3.0
[Job 35877] %!PS-Adobe-3.0
[Job 35877] %%BoundingBox: 0 0 612 792
[Job 35877] %%Pages: 1
[Job 35877] %%LanguageLevel: 1
[Job 35877] %%DocumentData: Clean7Bit
[Job 35877] %%DocumentSuppliedResources: procset testprint/1.3
[Job 35877] %%DocumentNeededResources: font Helvetica Helvetica-Bold 
[Job 35877] %%Creator: Michael Sweet, Apple Inc.
[Job 35877] %%CreationDate: D:20070606214000+0500
[Job 35877] %%Title: Test Page
[Job 35877] %%EndComments
[Job 35877] Before copy_prolog - %%BeginProlog
[Job 35877] Before copy_setup - %%Page: 1 1
[Job 35877] Before page loop - %%Page: 1 1
[Job 35877] Copying page 1...
PID 20868 (/usr/lib/cups/cgi-bin/printers.cgi) exited with no errors.
[Job 35877] cups_print_chunked - flip = 0, height = 3208
[Job 35877] StartPage...
[Job 35877] MediaClass = ""
[Job 35877] MediaColor = ""
[Job 35877] MediaType = ""
[Job 35877] OutputType = ""
[Job 35877] AdvanceDistance = 0
[Job 35877] AdvanceMedia = 0
[Job 35877] Collate = 0
[Job 35877] CutMedia = 0
[Job 35877] Duplex = 0
[Job 35877] HWResolution = [ 300 300 ]
[Job 35877] ImagingBoundingBox = [ 18 36 577 806 ]
[Job 35877] InsertSheet = 0
[Job 35877] Jog = 0
[Job 35877] LeadingEdge = 0
[Job 35877] Margins = [ 18 36 ]
[Job 35877] ManualFeed = 0
[Job 35877] MediaPosition = 0
[Job 35877] MediaWeight = 0
[Job 35877] MirrorPrint = 0
[Job 35877] NegativePrint = 0
[Job 35877] NumCopies = 1
[Job 35877] Orientation = 0
[Job 35877] OutputFaceUp = 0
[Job 35877] PageSize = [ 595 842 ]
[Job 35877] Separations = 0
[Job 35877] TraySwitch = 0
[Job 35877] Tumble = 0
[Job 35877] cupsWidth = 2329
[Job 35877] cupsHeight = 3208
[Job 35877] cupsMediaType = 0
[Job 35877] cupsBitsPerColor = 1
[Job 35877] cupsBitsPerPixel = 1
[Job 35877] cupsBytesPerLine = 292
[Job 35877] cupsColorOrder = 0
[Job 35877] cupsColorSpace = 3
[Job 35877] cupsCompression = 0
PID 20865 (/usr/lib/cups/filter/rastertohp) exited with no errors.
[Job 35877] Connected to (IPv4) (local port 0)...
[Job 35877] lpd_command 02 p2
[Job 35877] Sending command string (4 bytes)...
[Job 35877] Reading command status...
[Job 35877] lpd_command returning 0
[Job 35877] Control file is:
[Job 35877] Hmail.arches.lt
[Job 35877] Proot
[Job 35877] JTest Page
[Job 35877] ldfA866mail.arches.lt
[Job 35877] UdfA866mail.arches.lt
[Job 35877] NTest Page
[Job 35877] lpd_command 02 88 cfA866mail.arches.lt
[Job 35877] Sending command string (25 bytes)...
[Job 35877] Reading command status...
Discarding unused printer-state-changed event...
[Job 35877] lpd_command returning 0
[Job 35877] lpd_command 03 959285 dfA866mail.arches.lt
[Job 35877] Sending command string (29 bytes)...
[Job 35877] Reading command status...
Discarding unused printer-state-changed event...
[Job 35877] lpd_command returning 0
Discarding unused printer-state-changed event...
PID 20864 (/usr/lib/cups/filter/pstoraster) exited with no errors.
PID 20866 (/usr/lib/cups/backend/lpd) exited with no errors.
[Job 35877] File 0 is complete.
[Job 35877] Completed successfully.
[Job 35877] Unloading...