Tema: Reikia patarimo
Autorius: Andrius
Data: 2008-06-14 15:35:03
Prisireike viena scripta susideti paveiksliuku renderinimui. Pagal 
instrukcija viskas padaryta, bet ismeta klaida. Buvo parasyta autoriui.
Atejo atsakymas.

Hi Andrius,

you have added Curl and POVRay but the script doesn't
find them in your path.

If you added them from Blastwave, you need to include /opt/csw/bin
into your path. If you added them from somewhere else, try to
find out where they ended up in.

The script also misses identify and convert from the ImageMagick
package. In Solaris, it's usually installed in /usr/sfw/bin.

Having "/opt/csw/bin:/usr/sfw/bin:/opt/sfw/bin" in your PATH
variable is probably going to get you mostly there.

Hope this helps,

Kaip susideti minimus pathus? Nedaug gaudausi.
