Tema: Re: Skaitantiems angliskai
Autorius: Labaigerasnikas
Data: 2018-02-14 00:40:24
trumpiau sakant asadas ir rusai kariauja ne pries isis, o pries sdf del 

"jan"  parašė naujienų news:p5v4ai$pkm$1@trimpas.omnitel.net...


"The U.S. wants to keep Syria weak and poor," says Prof. Joshua Landis. 
According to Landis the U.S. is keeping the north-east of Syria under 
occupation to deny Syria access to its oil and its best agricultural land.

The SDF is the U.S. local proxy force for its occupation.

Might this whole operation have been a trap? The U.S. military clearly knew 
that something was going to happen in the area. Local deals were made 
between the Syrian government side and locals Arabs holding the oil fields. 
The U.S. told the SDF to move out of the way. When the government aligned 
groups started to take over the field, as presumably agreed upon, the U.S. 
bombed them.

Is the U.S. military emphasizing the "SDF headquarters location" because the 
headquarter was no longer there as the SDF had already withdrawn from it? 
And why is a tank round landing some 500 meters away seen as a direct 
attack? Tanks rounds may deviate from the targeted point by a meter or two. 
There is no chance that rounds landing some 500 meters away were intended to 
hit the headquarter location. Whatever the Syrian forces have been hitting 
at, if they hit at all, was not the SDF headquarter location.

The story the U.S. military is trying to sell here stinks.