Tema: Re: Kur cia gresme?
Autorius: tomasz
Data: 2016-05-15 22:14:59
The military personnel were not issued any protective gear.[3]

The planes were ordered to bomb the explosion site five minutes after the 
blast, and three hours later (after the demarcation of the radioactive zone) 
the armored vehicles were ordered to practice the taking of a hostile area 
after a nuclear attack.[5]

cia tipinis fronto pralauzimas, tik panaudojant branduolini ginkla, pro 
epicentra verziasi tankai ir kareiviai.
niekam neduodama apsaugos priemoniu, kad nebutu prarastas netiketumo 
na ir dar...
Joseph Stalin expressed his belief that nuclear weapons could only be used 
behind enemy lines-against cities or factories-but were useless on the 
battlefield. Georgy Malenkov, a close advisor to Stalin, expressed his 
opinion that a nuclear war could not be won by any of its participants.

Malenkov had made many enemies during Stalin's time in power. These included 
Marshal Georgy Zhukov, whom Malenkov had accused of disloyalty in order to 
appease Stalin's worries about Zhukov's political ambitions, especially 
after he invited General Dwight D. Eisenhower to visit the Soviet Union 
after the war. Zhukov was demoted and sent to Odessa where he soon suffered 
a heart attack and was no longer considered a threat.

When Stalin died in 1953, Malenkov took control of the party apparatus. This 
led to continued infighting among the other claimants to the position, 
especially the "anti-stalinites". Totskoye was, to some degree, an attempt 
to make Malenkov and Stalin look foolish by demonstrating that nuclear 
weapons could be used on the battlefield, and thus that they could play a 
part in a winnable nuclear war.

na bet tiketis, kad elektros stulpas nores suprast kazka, butu naivu.

"Audrys" <oginiekienoreikalaskokiadeze@takas.lt> wrote in message 
> taip, moku. skirtingai nuo taves. tai pateiksi tas eilutes, is kuriu 
> aisku, kad bombarduoja atakuojantys ? gal dar paaiskinsi ka jie ten 
> epicentre atakuoja, gal pelenus?  tavo fantazijos nesiskaito.
> "tomasz"  wrote in message news:nhagdt$htb$1@trimpas.omnitel.net...
> a tu bent skaityt ir suvokt teksta moki?
> -- 
> t.
> "Audrys" <oginiekienoreikalaskokiadeze@takas.lt> wrote in message
> news:nhag3v$hpm$1@trimpas.omnitel.net...
>> nu ir kur "puolantys" - attacking? kodel ne besiginantys?
>> kur pratybu lengenda kas numete bomba?
>> "tomasz"  wrote in message news:nhaf35$hch$1@trimpas.omnitel.net...
>> During the exercise more than 45,000 were deliberately exposed to
>> radiation.[6] It involved the 270th Rifle Division,[7] 320 planes, 600 
>> tanks
>> and 600 armored personnel carriers. The soldiers were instructed that 
>> there
>> would be a regular military exercise featuring a mock nuclear explosion 
>> and
>> that it would be filmed.[3] The military personnel were not issued any
>> protective gear.[3] Deputy Defense Minister Georgy Zhukov witnessed the
>> blast from an underground nuclear bunker. The planes were ordered to bomb
>> the explosion site five minutes after the blast, and three hours later
>> (after the demarcation of the radioactive zone) the armored vehicles were
>> ordered to practice the taking of a hostile area after a nuclear 
>> attack.[5]
>> -- 
>> t.
>> "Audrys" <oginiekienoreikalaskokiadeze@takas.lt> wrote in message
>> news:nha721$f1f$1@trimpas.omnitel.net...
>>> vel pezi .... gal istrauksi tas eilutes is wiki straipsnio apie 
>>> puolancius raudonarmiecius?
>>> "tomasz"  wrote in message news:nha6gg$es2$1@trimpas.omnitel.net...
>>> prie ko tockas?
>>> taigi treniravosi, kaip puls sudave branduolini smugi.
>>> ziurejo, kaip puolantys krasnoarmeicai isgyvens radiacija.
>>> kai kas is komuniagu, matai turejo vilti laimet branduolini konflikta.
>>> ar sakai zukovas maskva bombarduot ruosesi?
>>> -- 
>>> t.
>>> "Audrys" <oginiekienoreikalaskokiadeze@takas.lt> wrote in message
>>> news:nha437$e38$1@trimpas.omnitel.net...
>>>> jei klausimas yra ar yra dokumentuotas tsrs planas pulti jav atominiu 
>>>> ginklu - tai prie ko tockas?
>>>> jei nesupranti - tai tu debilas, bet man taves visai negaila.
>>>> kai atvers archyvus, bus dokumentai - tada ir lok. bge archyvu beje 
>>>> buna dar zvalgybine informacija.
>>>> "tomasz"  wrote in message news:nh9ql0$bhu$1@trimpas.omnitel.net...
>>>> jei tockas ne i tema, tada man taves labai gaila.
>>>> ir gali but, kad archyvus atvers greiciau negu tu manai.
>>>> -- 
>>>> t.
>>>> "Audrys" <oginiekienoreikalaskokiadeze@takas.lt> wrote in message
>>>> news:nh9k0b$9r7$1@trimpas.omnitel.net...
>>>>> plano kaip suprantu neradai tenka kishti meshal ne I tema?
>>>>> pezek toliau. tavo boba ar tavo kate gal tuo ir tiki.
>>>>> "tomasz"  wrote in message news:nh9g67$91u$1@trimpas.omnitel.net...
>>>>> jo, blet bombas dare riesutam skaldyt.
>>>>> ir eksperimentus ant savu is neturejimo ka veikt.
>>>>> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Totskoye_nuclear_exercise
>>>>> kai archyvus po putino pakorimo atvers, daug suzinosi.
>>>>> -- 
>>>>> t.
>>>>> "Audrys" <oginiekienoreikalaskokiadeze@takas.lt> wrote in message
>>>>> news:nh9d00$84i$1@trimpas.omnitel.net...
>>>>>> kazkaip iki siol neteko girdeti apie atomini puolamaji plana parengta 
>>>>>> tsrs. o apie jav ir britu - teko.
>>>>>> "tomasz"  wrote in message news:nh959j$63a$1@trimpas.omnitel.net...
>>>>>> nu jo, o kacapai ledus planavo metyt, kaip dabar viktoriukas dabar 
>>>>>> daro.
>>>>>> humanistai, ble
>>>>>> -- 
>>>>>> t.
>>>>>> "Audrys" <oginiekienoreikalaskokiadeze@takas.lt> wrote in message
>>>>>> news:nh82dc$ugc$1@trimpas.omnitel.net...
>>>>>>> ar ne tie marozai planavo bombarduot tsrs po karo, bet buvo baisu 
>>>>>>> del saves?
>>>>>>> taip kad del tipisko marozisko mastymo nera abejoniu ir tai yra 
>>>>>>> patvirtinta faktais.
>>>>>>> "Gediminas"  wrote in message 
>>>>>>> news:nh81vo$u8a$1@trimpas.omnitel.net...
>>>>>>>> jei turi tokia gynyba, kad nerizikuoji gaut atgal I snuki, tai 
>>>>>>>> kodel gi
>>>>>>>> neduot I snuki pirmam?
>>>>>>> Tipisko marozo mastysena. Nekeista.
>>>>>>>> "Gintas"  wrote in message news:nh59fq$986$1@trimpas.omnitel.net...
>>>>>>>> Jei visi laiptines kaimynai turi popierines duris, nei vienas i 
>>>>>>>> kita
>>>>>>>> nesnairuoja, nes visi vienodai saugus ar ne saugus. Taciau jei 
>>>>>>>> vienas
>>>>>>>> (kazkodel) isideda sarvuotas duris, kiti kaimynai pradeda 
>>>>>>>> itarinet,kade
>>>>>>>> jis galimai sugalvojo juos apvogti, pats noredamas likti 
>>>>>>>> neapvogtas.
>>>>>>>> Zodziu visi puolam ginkluotis, saugotis nuo kaimynu. 
>>>>>>>> Rezultate-visos
>>>>>>>> valstybes didina islaidas, islosia tiek, kurie tuos ginklus gamina
>>>>>>>> placiai rinkai. Karo gresme JAV naudinga. Tuo labiau, kad galimo 
>>>>>>>> fronto
>>>>>>>> linija ne per amerikieciu ispuoseletus gelinus eis. Mes esam 
>>>>>>>> priesakine
>>>>>>>> fronto linija! Mes! Eskaluojam rusofobijas? O jei kam nors nervai
>>>>>>>> neislaikys? Staigiai tada teks pamirsti patarimus is statybu
>>>>>>>> grupso..........
>>>>>>>> "Barzdukas" <nemegstu@spamo.lt> schrieb im Newsbeitrag
>>>>>>>> news:nh57nv$8nd$1@trimpas.omnitel.net...
>>>>>>>>> http://www.15min.lt/naujiena/aktualu/pasaulis/lenkijoje-dedamas-jav-raketu-skydo-dalies-kertinis-akmuo-57-626885
>>>>>>>>> Rumunijoj jau pradejo veikt, siandien prasidejo naujos statybos 
>>>>>>>>> Lenkijoj.
>>>>>>>>> Sistema skirta grynai ginybai, o ne puolimui. Kodel rusija jaucia 
>>>>>>>>> gresme?
>>>>>>>>> Juk Kaliningrade pilna iskanderiu, kurie skirti isskirtinai prieso
>>>>>>>>> puolimui.
>>>>>>>>> Jei kaimynas isideda sarvuotas duris, tai kitas kaimynas turi 
>>>>>>>>> skustis,
>>>>>>>>> kad
>>>>>>>>> dabar jis jauciasi nesaugus? Jei nesiruosia lauztis, tai koks jam
>>>>>>>>> skirtumas?