Tema: Re: LKS i WGS
Autorius: saimhe
Data: 2011-06-14 17:24:23
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   var pi = Math.PI;
   var secsize = 4;       // round second display to
   var distsize = 3;      // round distance display to
   var bearsize = 8;      // round bearing display to

function calcRandB(form, in1, in2, in3, in4) {             //calculate plane grid range and bearing
  // in1 - point 1 coordinates index
  // in2 - point 2 coordinates index 
  // in3 - distance index
  // in4 - bearing index
  var de = parseFloat(form.east[in2].value) - parseFloat(form.east[in1].value);  //difference in eastings
  var dn = parseFloat(form.north[in2].value) - parseFloat(form.north[in1].value);  //difference in northings 

  form.distvalue[in3].value = Math.sqrt(de * de + dn * dn);          //compute distance 
  form.distvalue[in3].value = roundoff(form.distvalue[in3].value,distsize);  //round off distance
  var x = Math.atan2(de,dn);    //compute bearing, result in radians
  if (x < 0) {
     x += 2 * pi;             //if negative add 2*pi or 360 degrees
  ddd2dms(form, in4, rad2deg(x));
return true;

function calcPoint(form, in1, in2, in3, in4) {           //calculate grid coordinates from plane grid range and bearing
  // in1 - point 1 coordinates index
  // in2 - point 2 coordinates index 
  // in3 - distance index
  // in4 - bearing index

  var x = dms2ddd(form.degreevalue[in4].value, form.minutevalue[in4].value, form.secondvalue[in4].value);  //convert to decimal degrees
  x = deg2rad(x);             //convert to radians
  var dn = parseFloat(form.distvalue[in3].value) * Math.cos(x) ;  
  var de = parseFloat(form.distvalue[in3].value) * Math.sin(x) ;  
  form.north[in2].value = parseFloat(form.north[in1].value) + dn;
  form.east[in2].value = parseFloat(form.east[in1].value) + de;
  form.north[in2].value = roundoff(form.north[in2].value,distsize);
  form.east[in2].value = roundoff(form.east[in2].value,distsize);
return true;

function deg2rad(x){                //convert decimal degrees to radians
  x = x * pi / 180;
  return x;

function rad2deg(x){                //convert radians to decimal degrees
  x = x * 180 / pi;
  return x;

function roundoff(x,y){              //round off x to y decimal places
  x = parseFloat(x);
  y = parseFloat(y);
  x = Math.round(x * Math.pow(10,y))/Math.pow(10,y);
  return x;

function dms2ddd(d,m,s){

  if (isblank(d)) d = '0';
   else {
      var y = d.slice(0, 1);
      d = parseFloat(d);
  if (isblank(m)) m = '0';
      m = parseFloat(m);
  if (isblank(s)) s = '0';
      s = parseFloat(s); 
  var x = Math.abs(d) + (Math.abs(m) / 60) + (Math.abs(s) / 3600);  //convert to decimal degrees
  if ((y == "-") || (d < 0) || (m < 0) || (s < 0)) x = -x;
  return x;


function isblank(s)
  for(var i = 0; i < s.length; i++) {
      var c = s.charAt(i);
      if ((c != ' ') && (c != '\n') && (c != '\t')) return false;
  return true;

function geo2grid(form, in1, in2, in3, in4, in5){
  // in1 - point latitude index
  // in2 - point longitude index
  // in3 - point grid coordinates 
  // in4 - grid convergence index
  // in5 - point scale factor index
  var j = form.units.selectedIndex;
  var units = form.units.options[j].value;

  var latddd = dms2ddd(form.degreevalue[in1].value, form.minutevalue[in1].value, form.secondvalue[in1].value);  // convert latitude of point to decimal degrees then radians
  var latrad = deg2rad(latddd);
  var londdd = dms2ddd(form.degreevalue[in2].value, form.minutevalue[in2].value, form.secondvalue[in2].value);  // likewise for longitude
  var lonrad = deg2rad(londdd);

// calclulate constants required for Redfern's formulae
  var k = parseFloat(form.k.value);  //scale factor
  var a = parseFloat(form.a.value);  //semi-major axis
  var f = 1 / parseFloat(form.invf.value);  //flattening
  var b = a * (1 - f);    //semi-minor axis
  var e2 = (a * a - b * b)/(a * a);  //eccentricity squared
  var e = Math.sqrt(e2);  //eccentricity
  var ei2 = (a * a - b * b)/(b * b); //second eccentricity squared
  var ei = Math.sqrt(ei2); //second eccentricity
  var n = (a - b)/(a + b);
  var G = a * (1 - n) * (1 - n * n) * (1 + (9 / 4) * n * n + (255 / 64) * Math.pow(n,4)) * (pi / 180);  //Mean length of an arc of one degree of the meridian

  var w = londdd - parseFloat(form.cmlong.value);  //longitude difference from CM
  w = deg2rad(w);  //convert to radians
  var t = Math.tan(latrad);  //tan of latitude
  var rho = a * (1 - e2) / Math.pow(1 - (e2 * Math.sin(latrad) * Math.sin(latrad)),(3/2)); //radius of curvature in plane of meridian
  var nu = a / Math.sqrt(1 - (e2 * Math.sin(latrad) * Math.sin(latrad))); //radius of curvature in prime vertical
  var psi = nu / rho; 
  var coslat = Math.cos(latrad);
  var sinlat = Math.sin(latrad);

// calculate meridian distance
  var A0 = 1 - (e2/4) - (3 * e2 * e2 / 64) - (5 * Math.pow(e2, 3) / 256);
  var A2 = (3 / 8) * (e2 + (e2 * e2 /4) + (15 * Math.pow(e2, 3) /128));
  var A4 = (15 / 256) * (e2 * e2 + (3 * Math.pow(e2, 3) / 4));
  var A6 = 35 * Math.pow(e2, 3) / 3072;
  var m = a * ((A0 * latrad) - (A2 * Math.sin(2 * latrad)) + (A4 * Math.sin(4 * latrad)) - (A6 * Math.sin(6 * latrad)));  

// calculate easting 
  var eterm1 = (w * w / 6) * coslat * coslat * (psi - t * t);
  var eterm2 = (Math.pow(w,4) / 120) * Math.pow(coslat,4) * (4 * Math.pow(psi,3) * (1 - 6 * t * t) + psi * psi * (1 + 8 * t * t) - psi * 2 * t * t + Math.pow(t,4));
  var eterm3 = (Math.pow(w,6) / 5040) * Math.pow(coslat,6) * (61 - 479 * t * t + 179 * Math.pow(t, 4) - Math.pow(t,6));
  var dE = k * nu * w * coslat * (1 + eterm1 + eterm2 + eterm3); 
  form.east[in3].value = roundoff(parseFloat(form.falseeast.value) + (dE / units), distsize);
// calculate northing
  var nterm1 = (w * w /2) * nu * sinlat * coslat;
  var nterm2 = (Math.pow(w,4) / 24) * nu * sinlat * Math.pow(coslat, 3) * (4 * psi * psi + psi - t * t);
  var nterm3 = (Math.pow(w,6) / 720) * nu * sinlat * Math.pow(coslat, 5) * (8 * Math.pow(psi, 4) * (11 - 24 * t * t) - 28 * Math.pow(psi, 3) * (1 - 6 * t * t) + psi * psi * (1 - 32 * t * t) - psi * 2 * t * t + Math.pow(t, 4));
  var nterm4 = (Math.pow(w,8)/40320) * nu * sinlat * Math.pow(coslat,7) * (1385 - 3111 * t * t + 543 * Math.pow(t, 4) - Math.pow(t, 6));
  var dN = k * (m + nterm1 + nterm2 + nterm3 + nterm4);
  form.north[in3].value = roundoff(parseFloat(form.falsenorth.value) + (dN / units), distsize) ;

// calculate grid convergence
  var gterm1 = -w * sinlat;
  var gterm2 = -(Math.pow(w,3) / 3) * sinlat * coslat * coslat * (2 * psi * psi - psi);
  var gterm3 = -(Math.pow(w,5) / 15) * sinlat * Math.pow(coslat, 4) * (Math.pow(psi, 4) * (11 - 24 * t * t) - Math.pow(psi, 3) * ( 11 - 36 * t * t) + 2 * psi * psi * (1 - 7 * t * t) + psi * t * t);
  var gterm4 = -(Math.pow(w,7) / 315) * sinlat * Math.pow(coslat, 6) * (17 - 26 * t * t + 2 * Math.pow(t, 4));
  var gridconv = gterm1 + gterm2 + gterm3 + gterm4;
  ddd2dms(form, in4, rad2deg(gridconv));

// calculate point scale factor
  var kterm1 = (w * w / 2) * psi * coslat * coslat;
  var kterm2 = (Math.pow(w, 4) / 24) * Math.pow(coslat, 4) * ( 4 * Math.pow(psi, 3) * (1 - 6 * t * t) + psi * psi * (1 + 24 * t * t) - 4 * psi * t * t);
  var kterm3 = (Math.pow(w, 6) / 720) * Math.pow(coslat, 6) * (61 - 148 * t * t + 16 * Math.pow(t, 4));
  var pointk = k * (1 + kterm1 + kterm2 + kterm3);
  form.pointk[in5].value = roundoff(pointk, bearsize);  
return true;

function grid2geo(form, in1, in2, in3, in4, in5){
  // in1 - point latitude index
  // in2 - point longitude index
  // in3 - point grid coordinates 
  // in4 - grid convergence index
  // in5 - point scale factor index

var j = form.units.selectedIndex;
var units = form.units.options[j].value;

// calclulate constants required for Redfern's formulae
  var k = parseFloat(form.k.value);  //scale factor
  var a = parseFloat(form.a.value);  //semi-major axis
  var f = 1 / parseFloat(form.invf.value);  //flattening
  var b = a * (1 - f);    //semi-minor axis
  var e2 = (a * a - b * b)/(a * a);  //eccentricity squared
  var e = Math.sqrt(e2);  //eccentricity
  var ei2 = (a * a - b * b)/(b * b); //second eccentricity squared
  var ei = Math.sqrt(ei2); //second eccentricity
  var n = (a - b)/(a + b);
  var G = a * (1 - n) * (1 - n * n) * (1 + (9 / 4) * n * n + (255 / 64) * Math.pow(n,4)) * (pi / 180);  //Mean length of an arc of one degree of the meridian
  var north = (parseFloat(form.north[in3].value) - parseFloat(form.falsenorth.value)) * units;  //northing from the equator 
  var east = (parseFloat(form.east[in3].value) - parseFloat(form.falseeast.value)) * units; //easting from the CM
  var m = north / k;  //meridian distance
  var sigma = (m * pi) / (180 * G);

// calculate the foot point latitude and constants for that latitude
  var footlat = sigma + ((3 * n / 2) - (27 * Math.pow(n, 3) / 32)) * Math.sin(2 * sigma) + ((21 * n * n / 16) - (55 * Math.pow(n, 4) / 32)) * Math.sin(4 * sigma) + (151 * Math.pow(n, 3) / 96) * Math.sin(6 * sigma) + (1097 * Math.pow(n, 4) / 512) * Math.sin(8 * sigma);
  var rho = a * (1 - e2) / Math.pow(1 - (e2 * Math.sin(footlat) * Math.sin(footlat)),(3/2)); //radius of curvature in plane of meridian
  var nu = a / Math.sqrt(1 - (e2 * Math.sin(footlat) * Math.sin(footlat))); //radius of curvature in prime vertical
  var psi = nu / rho; 
  var t = Math.tan(footlat);  //tan of latitude

// calculate latitude
  var x = east / (k * nu);
  var laterm1 = (t / (k * rho )) * ( east * x / 2);
  var laterm2 = (t / (k * rho )) * ( east * Math.pow(x, 3) / 24) * (-4 * psi * psi + 9 * psi * (1 - t * t) + 12 * t * t );
  var laterm3 = (t / (k * rho )) * ( east * Math.pow(x, 5) / 720) * (8 * Math.pow(psi, 4) * (11 - 24 * t * t) - 12 * Math.pow(psi, 3) * (21 - 71 * t * t) + 15 * psi * psi * (15 - 98 * t * t + 15 * Math.pow(t, 4)) + 180 * psi * (5 * t * t - 3 * Math.pow(t, 4)) + 360 * Math.pow(t, 4));
  var laterm4 = (t / (k * rho )) * ( east * Math.pow(x, 7) / 40320) * (1385 + 3633 * t * t + 4095 * Math.pow(t, 4) + 1575 * Math.pow(t, 6));
  var latrad = footlat - laterm1 + laterm2 - laterm3 + laterm4;

  ddd2dms(form, in1, rad2deg(latrad));
// calculate longitude
  var seclat = 1 / Math.cos(footlat);
  var loterm1 = x * seclat;
  var loterm2 = (Math.pow(x, 3) / 6) * seclat * (psi + 2 * t * t);
  var loterm3 = (Math.pow(x, 5) / 120) * seclat * (-4 * Math.pow(psi, 3) * (1 - 6 * t * t) + psi * psi * (9 -68 * t * t) + 72 * psi * t * t + 24 * Math.pow(t, 4));
  var loterm4 = (Math.pow(x, 7) / 5040) * seclat * (61 + 662 * t * t + 1320 * Math.pow(t, 4) + 720 * Math.pow(t, 6));
  var w = loterm1 - loterm2 + loterm3 - loterm4;
  var longrad = deg2rad(parseFloat(form.cmlong.value)) + w;

  ddd2dms(form, in2, rad2deg(longrad));

// calculate grid convergence
  var gterm1 = -t * x;
  var gterm2 = (t * Math.pow(x, 3) / 3) * (-2 * psi * psi + 3 * psi + t * t);
  var gterm3 = (-t * Math.pow(x, 5) / 15) * (Math.pow(psi, 4) * (11 - 24 * t * t) - 3 * Math.pow(psi, 3) * (8 - 23 * t * t) + 5 * psi * psi * (3 - 14 * t * t) + 30 * psi * t * t + 3 * Math.pow(t, 4));
  var gterm4 = (t * Math.pow(x, 7) / 315) * (17 +77 * t * t + 105 * Math.pow(t, 4) + 45 * Math.pow(t, 6));
  var gridconv = gterm1 + gterm2 + gterm3 + gterm4;

  ddd2dms(form, in4, rad2deg(gridconv));

// calculate point scale factor
  x = east * east / (k * k * rho * nu);
  var kterm1 = x / 2;
  var kterm2 = (x * x / 24) * (4 * psi * (1 - 6 * t * t) - 3 * (1 - 16 * t * t) - 24 * t * t / psi);
  var kterm3 = Math.pow(x, 3) / 720 ;
  var pointk = k * (1 + kterm1 + kterm2 + kterm3);
  form.pointk[in5].value = roundoff(pointk, bearsize);  
return true;

function calcRandBgeo(form, in1, in2, in3, in4, in5, in6){
  // in1 - point 1 latitude index
  // in2 - point 1 longitude index
  // in3 - point 2 latitude index 
  // in4 - point 2 longitude index
  // in5 - distance index
  // in6 - bearing index

var j = form.units.selectedIndex;
var units = form.units.options[j].value;

// calclulate constants 
  var k = parseFloat(form.k.value);  //scale factor
  var a = parseFloat(form.a.value);  //semi-major axis
  var f = 1 / parseFloat(form.invf.value);  //flattening
  var b = a * (1 - f);    //semi-minor axis
  var latddd1 = dms2ddd(form.degreevalue[in1].value, form.minutevalue[in1].value, form.secondvalue[in1].value);  // convert latitude of point to decimal degrees then radians
  var latrad1 = deg2rad(latddd1);
  var londdd1 = dms2ddd(form.degreevalue[in2].value, form.minutevalue[in2].value, form.secondvalue[in2].value);  // likewise for longitude
  var lonrad1 = deg2rad(londdd1);
  var latddd2 = dms2ddd(form.degreevalue[in3].value, form.minutevalue[in3].value, form.secondvalue[in3].value);  // convert latitude of point to decimal degrees then radians
  var latrad2 = deg2rad(latddd2);
  var londdd2 = dms2ddd(form.degreevalue[in4].value, form.minutevalue[in4].value, form.secondvalue[in4].value);  // likewise for longitude
  var lonrad2 = deg2rad(londdd2);

  var w = lonrad2 - lonrad1; 

  if (Math.abs(w) > 1.5707963268) {
     alert("Sorry this calculator isn't designed for such large distances.\nTry my Great Circle Calculator instead."); 
  var tanB1 = Math.tan(latrad1) * (1 - f);
  var tanB2 = Math.tan(latrad2) * (1 - f);
  var B1 = Math.atan(tanB1);
  var B2 = Math.atan(tanB2);

  var term1 = Math.sin(w) * Math.cos(B2);
  var term2 = Math.sin(B2) * Math.cos(B1) - Math.sin(B1) * Math.cos(B2) * Math.cos(w);
  var phi = Math.asin(Math.sqrt(term1 * term1 + term2 * term2));
  var c = (Math.cos(B1) * Math.cos(B2) * Math.sin(w)) / Math.sin(phi);
  var m = 1 - c * c;
  term1 = phi * (1 + f + f * f)
  term2 = Math.sin(B1) * Math.sin(B2) * ((f + f * f) * Math.sin(phi) - ((f * f / 2) * phi * phi / Math.sin(phi)));
  var term3 = m * (-1 * (phi * (f + f * f) / 2) - ((f + f * f) / 2) * Math.sin(phi) * Math.cos(phi) + ((f * f / 2) * phi * phi) / Math.tan(phi));
  var term4 = Math.sin(B1) * Math.sin(B2) * Math.sin(B1) * Math.sin(B2) * (-1 * (f * f /2) * Math.sin(phi) * Math.cos(phi));
  var term5 = m * m * ((f * f / 16 ) * phi + (f * f / 16) * Math.sin(phi) * Math.cos(phi) - (f * f / 2) * phi * phi / Math.tan(phi) - (f * f / 8) * Math.sin(phi) * Math.pow(Math.cos(phi), 3));
  var term6 = Math.sin(B1) * Math.sin(B2) * m * ((f * f / 2) * phi * phi / Math.sin(phi) + (f * f / 2) * Math.sin(phi) * Math.cos(phi) * Math.cos(phi));
  var s = b * (term1 + term2 + term3 + term4 + term5 + term6);
  form.distvalue[in5].value = roundoff((s / units), distsize);  //round off distance
  term1 = (f + f * f) * phi;
  term2 = Math.sin(B1) * Math.sin(B2) * ( -1 * (f * f / 2) * Math.sin(phi) - f * f * phi * phi / Math.sin(phi));
  term3 = m * (-1 * (5 * f * f / 4) * phi + (f * f /4) * Math.sin(phi) * Math.cos(phi) + f * f * phi * phi / Math.tan(phi));
  lamda = c * (term1 + term2 + term3) + w;
  var de = Math.sin(B2) * Math.cos(B1) - Math.cos(lamda) * Math.sin(B1) * Math.cos(B2);
  var dn = Math.sin(lamda) * Math.cos(B2); 
  var x = Math.atan2(dn,de);    //compute bearing, result in radians
  if (x < 0) {
     x += 2 * pi;             //if negative add 2*pi or 360 degrees

if (w == 0) {
   if (latddd2 < latddd1) 
       x =  pi;
   else if (latddd2 > latddd1) 
       x = 0;
   else if (latddd2 == latddd1) {
       x = 0;
       form.distvalue[in5].value = roundoff(0, distsize);  //round off distance
  ddd2dms(form, in6, rad2deg(x));
return true;

function calcPointgeo(form, in1, in2, in3, in4, in5, in6){
  // in1 - point 1 latitude index
  // in2 - point 1 longitude index
  // in3 - point 2 latitude index 
  // in4 - point 2 longitude index
  // in5 - distance index
  // in6 - bearing index

var j = form.units.selectedIndex;
var units = form.units.options[j].value;

// calclulate constants 
  var k = parseFloat(form.k.value);  //scale factor
  var a = parseFloat(form.a.value);  //semi-major axis
  var f = 1 / parseFloat(form.invf.value);  //flattening
  var b = a * (1 - f);    //semi-minor axis
  var e2 = (a * a - b * b)/(a * a);  //eccentricity squared
  var e = Math.sqrt(e2);  //eccentricity
  var ei2 = (a * a - b * b)/(b * b); //second eccentricity squared
  var ei = Math.sqrt(ei2); //second eccentricity
  var latddd1 = dms2ddd(form.degreevalue[in1].value, form.minutevalue[in1].value, form.secondvalue[in1].value);  // convert latitude of point to decimal degrees then radians
  var latrad1 = deg2rad(latddd1);
  var londdd1 = dms2ddd(form.degreevalue[in2].value, form.minutevalue[in2].value, form.secondvalue[in2].value);  // likewise for longitude
  var lonrad1 = deg2rad(londdd1);
  var x12 = dms2ddd(form.degreevalue[in6].value, form.minutevalue[in6].value, form.secondvalue[in6].value);  //convert to decimal degrees
  x12 = deg2rad(x12);             //convert to radians
  var s = (parseFloat(form.distvalue[in5].value) * units);  
  if (Math.abs(s) > 10019148.059) {
     alert("Sorry this calculator isn't designed for such large distances.\nTry my Great Circle Calculator instead."); 
  var tanB1 = Math.tan(latrad1) * (1 - f);
  var B1 = Math.atan(tanB1);
  var cosB0 = Math.cos(B1) * Math.sin(x12);
  var B0 = Math.acos(cosB0);
  var g = Math.cos(B1) * Math.cos(x12);
  var m = (1 + (ei2 / 2) * Math.sin(B1) * Math.sin(B1)) * (1 - Math.cos(B0) * Math.cos(B0));
  var phis = s / b;
  var a1 = (1 + (ei2 / 2) * Math.sin(B1) * Math.sin(B1)) * (Math.sin(B1) * Math.sin(B1) * Math.cos(phis) + g * Math.sin(B1) * Math.sin(phis));

  var term1 = a1 * (-1 * (ei2 / 2) * Math.sin(phis));
  var term2 = m * (-1 * (ei2 / 4) * phis + (ei2 / 4) * Math.sin(phis) * Math.cos(phis));
  var term3 = a1 * a1 * ((5 * ei2 * ei2 / 8) * Math.sin(phis) * Math.cos(phis));
  var term4 = m * m * (( 11 * ei2 * ei2 / 64) * phis - (13 * ei2 * ei2 / 64) * Math.sin(phis) * Math.cos(phis) - (ei2 * ei2 / 8) * phis * Math.cos(phis) * Math.cos(phis) + (5 * ei2 * ei2 / 32) * Math.sin(phis) * Math.pow(Math.cos(phis), 3));
  var term5 = a1 * m * ((3 * ei2 * ei2 / 8) * Math.sin(phis) + (ei2 * ei2 /4) * phis * Math.cos(phis) - (5 * ei2 * ei2 / 8) * Math.sin(phis) * Math.cos(phis) * Math.cos(phis));
  var phi0 = phis + term1 + term2 + term3 + term4 + term5;
  var cotlamda = (Math.cos(B1) * Math.cos(phi0) - Math.sin(B1) * Math.sin(phi0) * Math.cos(x12)) / (Math.sin(phi0) * Math.sin(x12));
  var lamda = Math.atan(1 / cotlamda);
  term1 = -1 * f * phis;
  term2 = a1 * ((3 * f * f / 2) * Math.sin(phis));
  term3 = m * ((3 * f * f / 4) * phis - (3 * f * f / 4) * Math.sin(phis) * Math.cos(phis));
  var w = (term1 + term2 + term3) * Math.cos(B0) + lamda;

  var lonrad2 = lonrad1 + w;
  ddd2dms(form, in4, rad2deg(lonrad2));

  var sinB2 = Math.sin(B1) * Math.cos(phi0) + g * Math.sin(phi0);
  var cosB2 = Math.sqrt((Math.cos(B0) * Math.cos(B0)) + Math.pow((g * Math.cos(phi0) - Math.sin(B1) * Math.sin(phi0)), 2));
  var tanB2 = sinB2 / cosB2;
  var tanlat2 = tanB2 / (1 - f);
  var latrad2 = Math.atan(tanlat2);
  ddd2dms(form, in3, rad2deg(latrad2));

return true;

function ddd2dms(form, ind, bearing){
  var y = Math.abs(parseFloat(bearing));
  form.degreevalue[ind].value = parseInt(y + 1) - 1;
  var x = y - form.degreevalue[ind].value;     
  form.minutevalue[ind].value = parseInt(x * 60 + 1) - 1;
  form.secondvalue[ind].value = ((x * 60) - form.minutevalue[ind].value) * 60;
  form.secondvalue[ind].value = roundoff(form.secondvalue[ind].value,secsize); 
  if (form.secondvalue[ind].value == 60) {
      form.secondvalue[ind].value = "0";
      form.minutevalue[ind].value = form.minutevalue[ind].value * 1 + 1;
      if (form.minutevalue[ind].value == 60) {
        form.minutevalue[ind].value = "0";
        form.degreevalue[ind].value = form.degreevalue[ind].value * 1 + 1;
  if (bearing < 0) {
     if (form.degreevalue[ind].value != 0) 
        form.degreevalue[ind].value = -form.degreevalue[ind].value;
     else if (form.minutevalue[ind].value != 0)
        form.minutevalue[ind].value = -form.minutevalue[ind].value;
        form.secondvalue[ind].value = -form.secondvalue[ind].value;
  form.degreevalue[ind].value += "\260";                                        // add degrees symbol now we have finished with value
  form.minutevalue[ind].value += "\'";                                        //add minute symbol now we have finished with value
  form.secondvalue[ind].value += '\"';               //round off seconds and add symbol
return true;

function confirmSphChange(form){             //to only allow changes to spheroid parameters if in user defined mode

var i = form.spheroid.selectedIndex;
if (i != 22) {
  alert("\n To override Spheroid Parameters\n use the User Defined option.");
return true;

function updateSpheroid(form){

var i = form.spheroid.selectedIndex;
switch(i) {
  case 0:
    form.a.value = 6378388.000;
    form.invf.value = 297.000;
  case 1:
    form.a.value = 6378388.000;
    form.invf.value = 297.000;
  case 2:
    form.a.value = 6378206.400;
    form.invf.value = 294.978698200;
  case 3:
    form.a.value = 6378249.145;
    form.invf.value = 293.465;
  case 4:
    form.a.value = 6377276.345;
    form.invf.value = 300.8017;
  case 5:
    form.a.value = 6377397.155;
    form.invf.value = 299.1528128;
  case 6:
    form.a.value = 6378166;
    form.invf.value = 298.3;
  case 7:
    form.a.value = 6378135;
    form.invf.value = 298.26;
  case 8:
    form.a.value = 6378293.645;
    form.invf.value = 294.26;
  case 9:
    form.a.value = 6377304.063;
    form.invf.value = 300.8017;
  case 10:
    form.a.value = 6377563.396;
    form.invf.value = 299.3249646;
  case 11:
    form.a.value = 6378200;
    form.invf.value = 298.3;
  case 12:
    form.a.value = 6378245;
    form.invf.value = 298.3;
  case 13:
    form.a.value = 6378270;
    form.invf.value = 297;
  case 14:
    form.a.value = 6378295;
    form.invf.value = 296;
  case 15:
    form.a.value = 6378150;
    form.invf.value = 298.3;
  case 16:
    form.a.value = 6378160;
    form.invf.value = 298.25;
  case 17:
    form.a.value = 6377298.561;
    form.invf.value = 300.8017;
  case 18:
    form.a.value = 6378145;
    form.invf.value = 298.25;
  case 19:
    form.a.value = 6378137;
    form.invf.value = 298.257223563;
  case 20:
    form.a.value = 6378160;
    form.invf.value = 298.247;
  case 21:
    form.a.value = 6378160;
    form.invf.value = 298.25;
  case 22:
    form.a.value = "";
    form.invf.value = "";
return true;

function confirmProjChange(form){             //to only allow changes to projection parameters if in user defined mode

var i = form.projection.selectedIndex;
if (i != 2) {
  alert("\n To override Projection Parameters\n use the User Defined option.");
return true;

function updateProjection(form, x){

var i = form.projection.selectedIndex;
var j = form.units.selectedIndex;
var units = form.units.options[j].value;
switch(i) {
  case 0:
    form.falsenorth.value = 0;
    form.falseeast.value = 500000 / units;
    form.k.value = 0.9996;
  case 1:
    form.falsenorth.value = 10000000 / units;
    form.falseeast.value = 500000 / units;
    form.k.value = 0.9996;
  case 2:
    if (x == 1) {                  // only reset if called from projection selection not grid units
      form.falsenorth.value = '';
      form.falseeast.value = '';
      form.k.value = '';

function swapgeos(form){
  var x = form.degreevalue[0].value;
  form.degreevalue[0].value = form.degreevalue[5].value;
  form.degreevalue[5].value = x;
  x = form.degreevalue[1].value;
  form.degreevalue[1].value = form.degreevalue[6].value;
  form.degreevalue[6].value = x;

  x = form.minutevalue[0].value;
  form.minutevalue[0].value = form.minutevalue[5].value;
  form.minutevalue[5].value = x;
  x = form.minutevalue[1].value;
  form.minutevalue[1].value = form.minutevalue[6].value;
  form.minutevalue[6].value = x;
  x = form.secondvalue[0].value;
  form.secondvalue[0].value = form.secondvalue[5].value;
  form.secondvalue[5].value = x;
  x = form.secondvalue[1].value;
  form.secondvalue[1].value = form.secondvalue[6].value;
  form.secondvalue[6].value = x;
return true;

function swapgrid(form){
  var x = form.north[0].value;
  form.north[0].value = form.north[1].value;
  form.north[1].value = x;
  x = form.east[0].value;
  form.east[0].value = form.east[1].value;
  form.east[1].value = x;
return true;

function updateCM(form){
  var zone = parseFloat(form.zone.value);
  if ((zone < 1) || (zone > 60) || isblank(form.zone.value)) {
     form.zone.value = "";
     alert("\n  Please enter a UTM Zone number\n between 1 and 60.");
  else { 
     form.cmlong.value =  zone * 6 - 183 + "\260";

function updateZone(form){
  var cmlong = parseFloat(form.cmlong.value);
  if ((cmlong < -180) || (cmlong > 180) || isblank(form.cmlong.value)) {
     form.cmlong.value = "";
     alert("\n Please enter a Longitude of Central Meridian between +/- 180\260");
  else {
     form.zone.value = roundoff(((cmlong + 183) / 6), 2);

function getCookie(form){
  var allcookies = document.cookie;
// look for start of cookie named "geode"

var pos = allcookies.indexOf("geode=");

  if (pos != -1) {
     var start = pos + 6;  // start of cookie value
     var end = allcookies.indexOf(";", start);  //End of cookie value
     if (end == -1) end = allcookies.length;
     var saved = allcookies.substring(start, end); //Extract the value
     var options = saved.split(":");
     form.spheroid.selectedIndex = options[0]; 
     form.zone.value = options[1];
     form.cmlong.value = options[2];
     form.projection.selectedIndex = options[3];
     form.a.value = options[4];
     form.invf.value = options[5]; 
     form.falsenorth.value = options[6];  
     form.falseeast.value = options[7];  
     form.k.value = options[8];
     form.units.selectedIndex = options[9];
return true;

function saveCookie(form){
   var when = new Date();
   when.setMonth( when.getMonth() + 12 );    // cookie valid for one year
   var str = form.spheroid.selectedIndex + ":";
   str += form.zone.value + ":";
   str += form.cmlong.value + ":";
   str += form.projection.selectedIndex + ":"; 
   str += form.a.value + ":";  
   str += form.invf.value + ":"; 
   str += form.falsenorth.value + ":";  
   str += form.falseeast.value + ":";  
   str += form.k.value + ":";
   str += form.units.selectedIndex + ":";
   document.cookie = "geode=" + str + ";expires=" + when.toGMTString();
return true;

                  <DIV align=center><NOSCRIPT></NOSCRIPT></DIV>
                  <FORM name=geodetics 
                  onreset="return confirm('Ivalyti laukus ir pradti i naujo?')">
                  <TABLE height=421 width=487>
                      <TD width=108>Spheroid:</TD>
                      <TD colSpan=2><SELECT disabled 
                        onchange=updateSpheroid(this.form) name=spheroid> 
                          <OPTION>International 1924</OPTION> <OPTION>Hayford 
                          1909</OPTION> <OPTION>Clarke 1866</OPTION> 
                          <OPTION>Clarke 1880</OPTION> <OPTION>Everest 
                          1830</OPTION> <OPTION>Bessel 1841</OPTION> 
                          <OPTION>Fischer 1960</OPTION> <OPTION>A.P.L. 
                          Satellite</OPTION> <OPTION>Clarke 1858</OPTION> 
                          <OPTION>Malayan</OPTION> <OPTION>Airy 1830</OPTION> 
                          <OPTION>Helmert 1906</OPTION> <OPTION>Krassovsky 
                          1938</OPTION> <OPTION>Hough 1956</OPTION> <OPTION>War 
                          Office</OPTION> <OPTION>Fischer 1968</OPTION> 
                          <OPTION>Aus. National 1967</OPTION> <OPTION>Modified 
                          Everest</OPTION> <OPTION>NWL 8D</OPTION> <OPTION 
                          selected>WGS 1984</OPTION> <OPTION>GRS (1967)</OPTION> 
                          <OPTION>Sth American 1969</OPTION> <OPTION>User 
                          Defined</OPTION></SELECT> </TD>
                      <TD width=80>Projection:</TD>
                      <TD width=113><SELECT disabled 
                        onchange="updateProjection(this.form, 1)" 
                        name=projection> <OPTION>UTM North</OPTION> 
                          <OPTION>UTM South</OPTION> <OPTION 
                          selected>LKS-94</OPTION> <OPTION>User Defined 
                          TM</OPTION></SELECT> </TD>
                      <TD width=112>False Northing:</TD>
                      <TD width=107 colSpan=2><INPUT disabled 
                        onfocus=confirmProjChange(this.form) size=12 value=0 
                        name=falsenorth> </TD></TR>
                      <TD width=108>Semi-Major Axis:</TD>
                      <TD width=85><INPUT disabled 
                        onfocus=confirmSphChange(this.form) size=12 
                        value=6378137 name=a> </TD>
                      <TD width=31></TD>
                      <TD width=80>UTM Zone No.:</TD>
                      <TD width=113><INPUT disabled 
                        onchange=updateCM(this.form) size=4 value=34.5 
                        name=zone> </TD>
                      <TD width=112>False Easting:</TD>
                      <TD width=107 colSpan=2><INPUT disabled 
                        onfocus=confirmProjChange(this.form) size=12 
                        value=500000 name=falseeast> </TD></TR>
                      <TD width=108>Inverse Flattening:</TD>
                      <TD width=85><INPUT disabled 
                        onfocus=confirmSphChange(this.form) size=12 
                        value=298.257223563 name=invf> </TD>
                      <TD width=31></TD>
                      <TD width=80>Longitude of Central Meridian:</TD>
                      <TD width=113><INPUT disabled 
                        onchange=updateZone(this.form) size=5 value=24 
                        name=cmlong> </TD>
                      <TD width=112>Central Scale Factor:</TD>
                      <TD width=107 colSpan=2><INPUT disabled 
                        onfocus=confirmProjChange(this.form) size=8 value=0.9998 
                        name=k> </TD></TR>
                      <TD width=108></TD>
                      <TD width=85></TD>
                      <TD width=31></TD>
                      <TD width=80></TD>
                      <TD width=113></TD>
                      <TD width=112>Grid Units:</TD>
                      <TD width=107 colSpan=2><SELECT disabled 
                        onchange="updateProjection(this.form, 2)" name=units> 
                          <OPTION value=1 selected>Metres</OPTION> <OPTION 
                          value=0.304800609604316>US Feet</OPTION></SELECT> </TD></TR>
                      <TD colSpan=8>
                      <TD bgColor=#c6e7fb colSpan=8>
                        <DIV align=center><B>Tako 1 koordinai 
                      <TD width=108 bgColor=#c6e7fb>Platuma</TD>
                      <TD width=85 bgColor=#c6e7fb><INPUT size=12 value=0 
                        name=degreevalue> </TD>
                      <TD width=31 bgColor=#c6e7fb><INPUT size=4 value="0'" 
                        name=minutevalue> </TD>
                      <TD width=80 bgColor=#c6e7fb><INPUT size=6 value='0"' 
                        name=secondvalue> </TD>
                      <TD width=113 bgColor=#c6e7fb><INPUT onclick="geo2grid(this.form, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0)" type=button value=" Perskaiiuoti >>"> 
                      <TD width=112 bgColor=#c6e7fb>Northing:</TD>
                      <TD width=107 bgColor=#c6e7fb colSpan=2><INPUT size=12 
                        value=0 name=north> </TD></TR>
                      <TD width=108 bgColor=#c6e7fb>Ilguma</TD>
                      <TD width=85 bgColor=#c6e7fb><INPUT size=12 value=0 
                        name=degreevalue> </TD>
                      <TD width=31 bgColor=#c6e7fb><INPUT size=4 value="0'" 
                        name=minutevalue> </TD>
                      <TD width=80 bgColor=#c6e7fb><INPUT size=6 value='0"' 
                        name=secondvalue> </TD>
                      <TD width=113 bgColor=#c6e7fb><INPUT onclick="grid2geo(this.form, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0)" type=button value=" << Perskaiiuoti"> 
                      <TD width=112 bgColor=#c6e7fb>Easting:</TD>
                      <TD width=107 bgColor=#c6e7fb colSpan=2><INPUT size=12 
                        value=0 name=east> </TD></TR>
                      <TD width=108 bgColor=#c6e7fb>Grid Convergence:</TD>
                      <TD width=85 bgColor=#c6e7fb><INPUT size=12 value=0 
                        name=degreevalue> </TD>
                      <TD width=31 bgColor=#c6e7fb><INPUT size=4 value="0'" 
                        name=minutevalue> </TD>
                      <TD width=80 bgColor=#c6e7fb><INPUT size=6 value='0"' 
                        name=secondvalue> </TD>
                      <TD width=113 bgColor=#c6e7fb></TD>
                      <TD width=112 bgColor=#c6e7fb>Point Scale Factor:</TD>
                      <TD width=107 bgColor=#c6e7fb colSpan=2><INPUT size=12 
                        value=0 name=pointk> </TD></TR>
                      <TD colSpan=8>
                    <TR bgColor=#e6ecbb>
                      <TD colSpan=8>
                        <DIV align=center><B>Atstumo ir azimuto 
                    <TR bgColor=#e6ecbb>
                      <TD width=108>Ellipsoidal Distance:</TD>
                      <TD width=85><INPUT size=12 value=0 name=distvalue> </TD>
                      <TD width=31></TD>
                      <TD width=80></TD>
                      <TD width=113>Grid Distance:</TD>
                      <TD width=112><INPUT size=12 value=0 name=distvalue> </TD>
                      <TD width=107 colSpan=2>&nbsp; </TD></TR>
                    <TR bgColor=#e6ecbb>
                      <TD width=108>True Bearing: </TD>
                      <TD width=85><INPUT size=12 value=0 name=degreevalue> 
                      <TD width=31><INPUT size=4 value="0'" name=minutevalue> 
                      <TD width=80><INPUT size=6 value='0"' name=secondvalue> 
                      <TD width=113>Grid Bearing:</TD>
                      <TD width=112><INPUT size=12 value=0 name=degreevalue> 
                      <TD width=52><INPUT size=4 value="0'" name=minutevalue> 
                      <TD width=53><INPUT size=5 value='0"' name=secondvalue> 
                    <TR bgColor=#e6ecbb>
                      <TD width=108></TD>
                      <TD width=85><INPUT onclick="calcRandBgeo(this.form, 0, 1, 5, 6, 0, 3)" type=button value="Calc R &amp; B"> 
                      <TD colSpan=2><INPUT onclick="calcPointgeo(this.form, 0, 1, 5, 6, 0, 3)" type=button value="Calc Point 2"> 
                      <TD width=113></TD>
                      <TD width=112><INPUT onclick="calcRandB(this.form, 0, 1, 1, 4)" type=button value="Calc R &amp; B" name=button> 
                      <TD width=107 colSpan=2><INPUT onclick="calcPoint(this.form, 0, 1, 1, 4)" type=button value="Calc Point 2" name=button2> 
                      <TD colSpan=8>
                      <TD bgColor=#baedfc colSpan=8>
                        <DIV align=center><B>Tako 2 koordinai 
                      <TD width=108 bgColor=#baedfc>Platuma</TD>
                      <TD width=85 bgColor=#baedfc><INPUT size=12 value=0 
                        name=degreevalue> </TD>
                      <TD width=31 bgColor=#baedfc><INPUT size=4 value="0'" 
                        name=minutevalue> </TD>
                      <TD width=80 bgColor=#baedfc><INPUT size=6 value='0"' 
                        name=secondvalue> </TD>
                      <TD width=113 bgColor=#baedfc><INPUT onclick="geo2grid(this.form, 5, 6, 1, 7, 1)" type=button value=" Perskaiiuoti >>"> 
                      <TD width=112 bgColor=#baedfc>Northing:</TD>
                      <TD width=107 bgColor=#baedfc colSpan=2><INPUT size=12 
                        value=0 name=north> </TD></TR>
                      <TD width=108 bgColor=#baedfc>Ilguma</TD>
                      <TD width=85 bgColor=#baedfc><INPUT size=12 value=0 
                        name=degreevalue> </TD>
                      <TD width=31 bgColor=#baedfc><INPUT size=4 value="0'" 
                        name=minutevalue> </TD>
                      <TD width=80 bgColor=#baedfc><INPUT size=6 value='0"' 
                        name=secondvalue> </TD>
                      <TD width=113 bgColor=#baedfc><INPUT onclick="grid2geo(this.form, 5, 6, 1, 7, 1)" type=button valu