Tema: Re: iGO8\MapChanger\MapChanger
Autorius: Alv
Data: 2010-03-04 10:05:37
Jau radau:
Veikianti instrukcija:
> Mapchangeri radau, jis pasileidzia, perkrauna IGO8 softa, bet zemelapius 
> vistiek ima is \SDMMC\iGO8\Content\map katalogo.
> SD korteleje sukurti tokie katalogai :
> \SDMMC\iGO8\Content\map_ta
> \SDMMC\iGO8\Content\map_nt
> \SDMMC\iGO8\Content\map_ot
> \SDMMC\iGO8\Content\map_us
> visuose yra basemap ir atitinkamas Lt zemelapis.
> Kas cia gali buti blogai?
> sys.txt toks:
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> [gps]
> port=1
> baud=38400
> set_messages=0
> [interface]
> skin="ui_igo8"
> [screen]
> hueshifton=1
> [map]
> sieve_mode=0
> [power]
> backlight_day=100
> backlight_night=0
> powermgm_state=0
> [sound]
> ding=0
> mute_os_key=1
> [navigation]
> sim_speed_factor=5
> show_current_city=1
> [debug]
> disable_outlookpoi=1
> skip_eula=1
> enable_roadshadow=1
> enable_buildings=1
> enable_roadsign=1
> enable_landmark_occlusion=1
> show_oneway_3d=1
> show_oneway=1
> [poi]
> enable_pois_before_080217=1
> [msnd]
> enabled=0
> [themechanger]
> work_dir = "\SDMMC\iGO8"
> mortscript = "\SDMMC\iGO8\themechanger\MortScript.exe"
> [switchmap]
> changer="\SDMMC\iGO8\Extension\MapChanger\MapChanger.exe"
> 1=",map_ta,\SDMMC\iGO8,\SDMMC\iGO8,"
> 2=",map_nt,\SDMMC\iGO8,\SDMMC\iGO8,"
> 3=",map_ot,\SDMMC\iGO8,\SDMMC\iGO8,"
> 4=",map_us,\SDMMC\iGO8,\SDMMC\iGO8,"
> ------------------------------------------------------------
>> pasikeisk is defaultinio skino i diMka ir jau rasi "menu - map screen - 
>> short menu settings" punkta
>>> IGO8 programai isidejau diMka WertVRV skina, sys.txt sutvarkiai, kaip 
>>> reikia pagal aprasyma, tik kilo klausimas ka reiskia "4 - Configure 
>>> MapChanger action in "Short menu settings" and test it."? Kas tas "Short 
>>> menu settings"?
>>> Klausiu, nes neveikia, nezinau kur koki klaidu loga rasti...
>>> Viska emiau is cia:
>>> http://www.igo8mods.com/dimka_download.htm
>>> Dariau taip:
>>> 32. Add MapChanger function(thanks DVS1):
>>> MapChanger function installation:
>>> 1 - add to sys.txt
>>> ;---
>>> [switchmap]
>>> changer="\Storage Card\iGO8\MapChanger\MapChanger.exe"
>>> 1=",map_ta,\Storage Card\iGO8,\Storage Card\iGO8,"
>>> 2=",map_nt,\Storage Card\iGO8,\Storage Card\iGO8,"
>>> 3=",map_ot,\Storage Card\iGO8,\Storage Card\iGO8,"
>>> 4=",map_us,\Storage Card\iGO8,\Storage Card\iGO8,"
>>> ;---first path - path to content folder, second - to igo8.exe.
>>> ;Examples if maps and igo on the same place:
>>> ;4=",map_us,\Storage Card\iGO8,,"
>>> and 'changer' key not required
>>> 2 - Unpack "mapchanger" folder into directory where igo8.exe installed 
>>> (typicaly \Storage Card\IGO8).
>>> 3 - Copy map files:
>>> Teleatlas -> map
>>> navteq -> map_nt
>>> Other -> map_ot
>>> User -> map_us
>>> There is a possibility to specify the name of the map provider for 
>>> MapChanger menu buttons:
>>> [switchmap]
>>> map_ta="Provider 1"
>>> map_nt="Provider 2"
>>> map_ot="Provider 3"
>>> map_us="Provider 4"
>>> If not to specify it the text on buttons will be by default (TELEATLAS, 
>>> 4 - Configure MapChanger action in "Short menu settings" and test it.