Tema: Re: Google Pixel / Pixel XL
Autorius: Invertuota panda
Data: 2016-10-04 21:18:48
On 10/4/16 19:17, Zyza wrote:
> http://www.gsmarena.com/googles_own_pixel_and_pixel_xl_unveiled-news-20872.php
> ...and the two phones are priced accordingly - they start $649 and will
> be available through a bunch of carriers and retailers. Check them out
> below. UK prices are £599/£699 for the 32GB/128GB Pixel and £719/£819
> for the 32GB/128GB Pixel XL.
> Shkias... Kur galima nusipirkti Xiaomi Mi 5S ? :)

Kainos ir patys pixeliai px, idomiau stai tokie opuseliai:


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