Tema: Re: spykas.lt
Autorius: warlock72
Data: 2009-09-21 12:29:21
yra, ir ka norejai paklausti? :-)

"LG" <l@g.lt> wrote in message news:h95q8q$4iq$1@trimpas.omnitel.net...
> Sveiki
> gal yra besinaudojanciu spykas.lt
> ??
> -- 
> Laimutis Gedminas
> _________
> Siame laiske pateikiama informacija yra adresuota tik asmeniskai jos 
> tiesioginiam gavejui. Jei del kokios nors klaidos Jus gavote ne Jums 
> skirta pranesima, prasome ji grazinti arba pranesti apie klaida siuntejui.
> This letter is addressed only direct to the recipient. If, for any error 
> you have received this letter, please return it or notify the sender about 
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